Locus of Control Who controls your destiny? Alyssa Emanuelson, MS, MAT, ATC
We see you. Who has control over what you do?
Who controls your destiny?
Activity: #IWishMyTeacherKnew ( #IfIcouldtellmystudents: If you could tell your younger self something, what would it be? Think of it along the lines of: What words of wisdom would you give to a younger “you?” (The “you” being universal) You are to take the rest of the class period and reflect on that question. Create an graphic that can be hung--you do not need to put your name on the front of it, no one will know which one is yours. We are going to use them for another activity.
External or Internal LOC Self Esteem, Self Efficacy and Locus of Control Video Khan Accademy: Present vs. Future Self (Test Question): _future_self
•Idea of LOC was created by Julian Rotter Locus of Control •Idea of LOC was created by Julian Rotter –Investigated how people’s behaviors and attitudes impacted the outcomes of their lives –He found that you are usually on a continuum from extreme internal to extreme external Locus of Control-PsychYogi (VIDEO)
Locus of Control On a spectrum...
Locus of Control •Individual’s perception about underlying main causes of events in his/her life •External Locus of Control Individual believes that his/her behavior is guided by fate, luck, or other external circumstances •Internal Locus of Control Individual believes that his/her behavior is guidedby his/her personal decisions and efforts.
Take the Survey Write a one paragraph response that explains your results. Turn it in. (Miss E is a 7/13) Score is 0-13 (High Score= External; Low Score = Internal; middle score = Ambiversion
In other words... •Who controls your destiny? •Internal = You control it •External = Outside forces control it Ambivertedd= some internal, some external •An inherent part of your personality per all psychologists •Ties into self-awareness and Social Awareness –Strong correlation between self-efficacy ( individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments )and LOC or your ability to complete a task and achieve success
As you look at your peers “advice to a younger you”: What themes do you see? Do any of them resonate with you? Which ones and why? Do they tend to take an internal or external LOC or are they ambiverted? How do you know? What does the advice say about us as a high school or as a society?
Internal Locus of Control •You are responsible your own success Everything is in life is caused by controllable factors Attitude, Preparation, Effort, etc.. EVERYTHING is up to the individual More successful in some ways but Want to be in total control Less considerate and not easy-going Don’t pay attention to thoughts/feelings of those around them
Internal Locus of Control and the Workplace •Engage in activities that will improve their situation. •Emphasize striving for achievement •Work hard to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities •Are inquisitive, and try to figure out why things turned out the way they did •Take note of information that they can use to create positive outcomes in the future •Have a more participative management style.
External Locus of Control •Events in life, both good and bad, are controlled by uncontrollable factors Environment, higher being, luck, chance, fate, other people, etc… •Tend to humble and agreeable •Laid back/happy in life •Tend to blame outside circumstances for everything •Less motivated as a whole
Locus of Control and the Workplace •Typically those with external control do better in the workplace •Happiness of young people in the workforce has been declining since 1950 •Huge shift toward external control as we have little to no influence our destiny (per research) •Money, Power and status are external and that’s the way we are moving.
Self-efficacy Refers to an individual's belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one's own motivation, behavior, and social environment. It's all about PERCEPTION of how well you get things done Confidence level is correlated
Self-Efficacy VIDEO So you’re saying there’s a chance VIDEO The tie in between Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control: Self-efficacy is your perception about how effective your behavior is, and locus of control is what you think is determining that behavior (you vs. the environment).
More on self-efficacy Self-Efficacy: your ability to get the job done and be successful… In other words, your belief in your ability to get the job done Most people can identify goals they want to accomplish but they find getting to that goal more difficult •Internal Control—taking ownership to get there •External Control—relying on luck/chance/higher being to get you there •Ambiverted—somewhere in the middle
Important to what you do in the workplace Motivation determines what you do… –Career changes ALWAYS happen and are more common than not Most of you will change jobs at least 5 times in the course of your career –Your LOC plays into your level of motivation as it determines HOW you go about accomplishing your career goals and in many cases how you return to work today
LOC and Stress Response to stress classified plethora of ways •Interpretation of HOW it impacts our abilities matters –Internal: I can handle this by myself –External: I can’t handle this by myself Your dirty lens impacts where you fall on the continuum and how you react to stress Every job has something stressful about it…
Poster Project •You are to work with a partner to explain the concept “Locus of Control in the Workplace” more in-depth than I have covered in class •Primarily: –What is the concept of locus of control in the workplace? –How does your locus of control impact your work life? –Who controls your destiny? •You will create a poster or showcase that is at least poster board size and looks professional •You will “teach” your class by giving a poster 3-5 minute presentation •Your poster should be appropriate and look professional •You may delve into concepts related to the topic at hand •Do NOT copy and paste information (that’s called plagiarism)
Just to clarify... •Internal = All you –Freewill •External = outside forces –Chance; luck; God; another higher power/deity –If you believe in or worship a higher power or deity (God, Budha, an idol, Jesus, Mohammad, Jacob, Zeus, a saint, etc…) you believe, at least to some extent, in external locus of control
Poster Assignment •Practice in both social and self-awareness Social = being aware of other’s beliefs AND being aware of your responses to their beliefs—both verbal and via body language Self = how you feel about a topic; self-regulation of your response/behavior
Your LOC matters because you work within an organizational culture that on a chart looks something like this: Basically what controls the culture determines how you get along Or your perception of what controls the culture is really what matters _how_to_build_your_creative_confiden ce?language=en What is the importance of his message?
How to Build Your Creative Confidence •
Why it matters... •Creativity is imperative in the workplace shaped by LOC and self-efficacy no matter what field you work in, need to have ability to be creative at times