Kindergarten Newsletter! Week of March 12th Mrs. Jougras’ Kindergarten Newsletter! Habit of the week: Habit 1 Be Proactive Unless your child is absent, milk money will ONLY be accepted on Monday. Review sight words nightly. Read books in orange folders 2-3 times with your child Parent Teacher Sight words: Please continue to review all sight words. Reading: We will be reading books about dinosaurs and St. Patrick’s Day. Math: We will be introducing subtraction this week. We will continue to work on addition and place value. If you read to your child at home ask him or her to retell the story March 20th Spring Pictures Spring Break: April 2nd-6th
My “Owl Themed Classroom Jobs” for free! Thank you for downloading this file! l hope you find use for it in your classroom! check out my “owl Themed classroom” set for 196 more pages of owl inspired resources! if you would like to make your own resources with owl clip art (for personal or commercial use), see my owl clip art set! also, make sure you download my “owl Themed specials posters” my “Welcome!” and “Read!” posters My “Owl Themed Classroom Jobs” for free! check out my blog at Don’t forget to follow me on TpT for updates on new products and freebies!