Regulation 4 - Elements of the Plan How the local authority will co-ordinate its own provision of CLD with other providers of CLD in its area. What action the local authority will take to provide CLD over the period of the plan. What action other providers intend to take to provide CLD in the local authority’s area over the period of the plan. Statement of any needs for CLD that will not be met over the period of the plan. A plan must be published every 3 years with four elements. The first of these is due 1st September 2015 – very little working time once holiday periods, committee cycles and the election period are taken into account... It is for the local authority to decide whether it will meet this requirement as a part of a wider process such as the Community Plan or as a free standing plan. In the latter case, we would expect to see appropriate linkages and references to broader CPP processes and shared outcomes. The statement of unmet needs is intended to provide transparency to partners and communities who engage in the process, and potentially to provide an evidence base for future work undertaken in the LA area. It is not intended to be detrimental to any organisation – when working with people, needs arise on an ongoing basis, and even under ideal circumstances with unlimited budgets, it is impossible to meet every need. Areas might find it useful to engage with elected members at an early stage in the process so that they understand the thinking behind this requirement. The planning process should mesh with self evaluation, performance management and impact measurement – this is part of a greater whole, not a stand alone. SG expect to see: Clear links to SOA, Community Plan Understanding of outcomes and impact the provision will have, that you’re gathering evidence to assess and review for future planning Who was involved in developing process and plan, impact of their involvement LA should share completed elements of the plan with the Local Area Network (see p14 of the Local Authority Guidance). Progress towards meeting the CLD Regulations will feature on the Shared Risk Assessment of the local authority. There is no need to submit plans to Education Scotland.
Policy Context Community and partner views Evaluation and Area profile scrutiny Area profile and related data When assessing their provision, local authorities, their partners and communities will wish to consider four main areas to ensure that they are delivering CLD that responds to local needs while being fit for purpose in a national context. ( Education Scotland)
CLD Plan Progress National Picture Partners are at different stages of development. Most have done some type of profiling in order to identify needs. Linkages to Community Planning and SOA are seen as critical. One area ( Inverclyde) have used a GIRFEC model throughout their existing SOA, others such as Shetland have incorporated the production of a CLD plan as an SOA output Aberdeenshire Strategic CLD Partnership Strategic group to meet 2-3 times per year to monitor progress on CLD Strategic Plan. Opportunity to link into the Strengthening Communities strand of SOA. Partners to be those who use a CLD approach – therefore CLD plan will be much wider than local authority direct provision. Update rolling three year plan Produce annual performance and impact report Local Learning Community Partnerships 17 Local Learning Community Partnerships Annual plan produced using CLD Network Plan format Partners to be those who use a CLD approach Local Strategic Partnerships to devote one session per year to evaluate progress, identify improvement priorities and information will be used to report back to Area Committee’s and CPP.
How the local authority will co-ordinate its own provision of CLD with other providers of CLD in its area. We will form an Aberdeenshire Strategic CLD Partnership to produce a rolling three year plan. The first plan will run from 1st September 2015 – 31 August 2018. We will form 17 Local Learning Community Partnerships across Aberdeenshire. These Partnership groups will produce an annual CLD Improvement Plan for their Network. Local Learning Partnerships will carry out an annual self –evaluation and future planning session. A progress report will be produced from each Partnership and these will be collated on an area basis and shared with Area Committee’s.
2. What action the local authority will take to provide CLD over the period of the plan. Aberdeenshire Council CLD Service will deliver CLD work based around the 17 Networks across Aberdeenshire. Each CLD Team will produce an annual CLD Plan based on a self-evaluation process. Work with young people will be delivered through our local themes of Bridging the Gap, Move on Up, and Youth Voice Work with adults will be delivered through our Learning for Life and Family Learning strands. Work with community organisations will be delivered through our Knowing Communities and Growing Communities strands.
3. What action other providers intend to take to provide CLD in the local authority’s area over the period of the plan. Local Learning Community Partnerships Will bring together local partners to look at the CLD needs in the area. Partners will be able to map the range of current CLD provision. Partners will jointly agree CLD priorities and areas where they can work together to improve outcomes for learners. Partners will produce an annual CLD Plan Strategic CLD Partnership Will bring together key strategic partners. Partners will have an overview of CLD provision across Aberdeenshire. Partners will have an overview of resource allocation across Aberdeenshire. Partners will identify areas where there is evidence of need for CLD support. Partners will jointly agree CLD priorities and areas where they can work together to improve outcomes for learners
4. Statement of any needs for CLD that will not be met over the period of the plan. To be identified in the strategic three year plan and categorised as either urgent, high, medium or low priority. Urgent and high priorities to be addressed and reviewed – with an aim that they should move to Improvement Priority in the rolling plan update.
Partners involvement is crucial. Outcomes There is a statutory requirement to produce three year CLD plans from Sept 2015. CLD will lead on this at the Network level and also contribute to the Aberdeenshire CLD Plan. Partners involvement is crucial. Outputs 17 LLCP’s will produce and review an annual CLD plan. The Aberdeenshire Learning Communities Partnership will produce a three year Aberdeenshire CLD plan. . Participants .Local partners will include ECS staff, third sector partners; partner agencies. Learners must be involved in developing plans. Outcomes Short term Medium term Long term There is increased understanding of needs amongst local partners at the local level. Partners start to share data on needs and outcomes. Mechanisms develop to involve local learners in the process of identifying needs. Partners are becoming better at targeting services to meet local needs whilst addressing strategic priorities. Learners and communities feel that they can help to shape the delivery of services. Partners work effectively together to deliver services that meet strategic and local priorities Learners and communities continue to meet to ‘Share and Shape’ delivery Learners and communities The Assumptions Good quality analysis of data is crucial in planning services – this is made clear in the CLD guidance and regulations and through the HMIe Inspection Process. Joint planning is crucial. – CLD need to do this individually as a service and with partners at the Network level. This will be achieved through the new Local Learning Community Partnership. The need External Factors Strategic drivers include CLD Regulations (2013) CLD Guidance. Community Empowerment Bill Aberdeenshire Single Outcome Agreement Inputs Senior CLD Workers will lead on the initial development of Local Learning Community Partnerships (LLCP’s). The Communities and Partnership Manager will lead on the Aberdeenshire Strategic CLD Partnership. SOA Links