4TH QUARTER PERFORMANCE REPORT ON THE 2017/18 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN Department of Public Service and Administration Sep 2018
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Overall DPSA 4th quarter performance (2017/18 APP) Quarterly performance tracking (2017/18 APP) 4th quarter performance per programme (2017/18 APP) Total expenditure per programme - 31 March 2018 (2017/18 financial year) Total expenditure per economic classification - 31 March 2018 (2017/18 financial year) Other financial information - 31 March 2018 (2017/18 financial year)
INTRODUCTION This presentation reflects progress on the implementation of the 4th quarter targets (January – March 2018) on the Department of Public Service and Administration's (DPSA’s) 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan (APP). This report was audited by the Department’s Internal Audit Directorate and was submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration (MPSA), National Treasury and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) on 30 April 2018. The performance rating is as follows: Achieved The planned quarterly target was achieved Not achieved The planned quarterly target was not achieved
4TH QUARTER PERFORMANCE PER PROGRAMME (2017/18 APP) Number of Quarter Targets Number of Targets Achieved Number of Targets Not Achieved Percentage Achievement 1. Administration 7 100% 2. Research and Policy Analysis 5 4 1 80% 3. Labour Relations and Human Resource Management 8 3 63% 4. Government Chief Information Officer 5. Service Delivery Support 6. Governance of Public Administration 6 OVERALL DPSA PERFORMANCE 34 30 88%
PROGRAMME 1: ADMIN (2) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Submit 3rd quarter Interim Financial Statement to National Treasury by 31 January 2018 The 3rd quarter Interim Financial Statement was submitted to National Treasury by 31 January 2018 Submit 3rd quarter report on the implementation of the 2017/18 APP to the Executive Authority, National Treasury and DPME by end of January 2018 The 3rd quarter report on the implementation of the 2017/18 APP was submitted to the Executive Authority, National Treasury and DPME in January 2018 Submit 3rd quarterly Internal Audit and 4th Risk Management performance reports to the Audit and Risk Management Committee The 3rd quarterly Internal Audit and 4th Risk Management performance reports were submitted to the Audit and Risk Management Committee in February 2018 Monitor DPSA’s compliance to internal and external Human Resources and Labour Relations Policy Prescripts and Procedures and submit quarterly reports to the Executive Committee by end of each quarter The 3rd quarter report on the DPSA’s compliance to internal and external Human Resources and Labour Relations Policy Prescripts and Procedures was submitted to the Executive Committee in January 2018
PROGRAMME 1: ADMIN (3) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Submit 3rd quarterly report on the implementation of annual communication plan to the Executive Committee The 3rd quarter report on the implementation of annual communication plan was submitted to the Executive Committee in December 2017 Submit quarterly progress reports on the implementation of the department's Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral programmes to the MPSA The 3rd quarter progress report on the implementation of the department's Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral programmes was submitted to the MPSA in February 2018 Continue consultation process on the 2nd phase Public Administration Management Regulations Consultations were held with the South African Local Government Association, Department of Cooperative Government and National Treasury in March 2018
PROGRAMME 2: R&PA (2) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Submit to the MPSA a draft Strategic Framework for the Public Administration Norms and Standards The draft Strategic Framework for the Public Administration Norms and Standards was submitted to the MPSA in March 2018 Submit to the MPSA the appropriate strategy for the macro configuration of the strategic centre to drive public administration related functions The appropriate strategy for the macro configuration of the strategic centre to drive public administration related functions was submitted to the MPSA in March 2018 Submit final Productivity Measurement Tool to support the Productivity Management Framework to the MPSA The final Productivity Measurement Tool to support the Productivity Management Framework was submitted to the MPSA in March 2018 Hold engagements to provide support to 3 provincial departments and 1 national department on the application of the approved Public Administration Organisational Functional Assessment (OFA) Tool Workshops on the application of the approved Public Administration OFA Tool were held with all provincial departments in December 2017 A national workshop was also held with 6 departments
PROGRAMME 2: R&PA (3) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Reason for Variance Action to Address Non-Achievement Gazetting of draft White Paper for Public Administration Transformation and Modernisation for comments and further consultation A concept document informing the drafting of the White Paper on the Transformation and Modernisation of Public Administration was approved by the MPSA in March 2018 The Executive Committee took a decision that a concept document should be drafted to inform the development of the draft White Paper on the Transformation and Modernisation of Public Administration None required as the gazetting can only take place once the draft White Paper on the Transformation and Modernisation of Public Administration has been approved by the MPSA
PROGRAMME 3: LR&HRM (2) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Submit a report on the average % of funded vacant posts on PERSAL to the MPSA A report on the average % of funded vacant posts on PERSAL was submitted to the MPSA in February 2018 Provide support and guidance to departments on the implementation of the revised Senior Management Service Performance Management and Development System (SMS PMDS) Support and guidance on the implementation of the revised SMS PMDS was provided by conducting capacity building workshops with the selected national departments and departments in the North West, Free State, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape provinces between February and March 2018 Submit 3rd quarter for 2017/18 on the average number of days taken to resolve disciplinary cases by all national and provincial departments to the MPSA The 3rd quarter report for 2017/18 on the average number of days taken to resolve disciplinary cases by all national and provincial departments was submitted to the MPSA in March 2018
PROGRAMME 3: LR&HRM (3) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Submit 4th quarter report on the implementation of the Government Employee Housing Scheme (GEHS) to the MPSA The 4th quarter report on the implementation of the GEHS was submitted to the MPSA in March 2018 Approach identified departments to reach agreement on support modalities The following departments were approached to reach agreement to support modalities: Department of Trade and Industry National School of Government Government Technical Advisory Centre at National Treasury National Treasury Department of Basic Education Government Pensions Administration Agency
PROGRAMME 3: LR&HRM (4) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Reason for Variance Action to Address Non-Achievement Issue the framework on the Graduate Recruitment Scheme for implementation by departments Cabinet approved the Graduate Recruitment Framework in December 2017 Following the approval by Cabinet, a request for the MPSA to approve the issuing of the Graduate Recruitment Framework for implementation by departments was submitted to the MPSA in December 2017 The Graduate Recruitment Framework can only be issued following the MPSA’s approval Upon the approval by the MPSA, the Graduate Recruitment Framework will be issued to departments for implementation Submit a report on the number of youths appointed into learnership, internship and artisan programmes within the Public Service to the MPSA A draft report on the number of youths appointed into learnership, internship and artisan programmes within the Public Service was compiled The lack of human capacity to gather, capture and validate data from departments The report will be submitted to the MPSA by the end of April 2018
PROGRAMME 3: LR&HRM (5) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Reason for Variance Action to Address Non-Achievement Subject to the outcome of the negotiations, prepare for implementation of the collective agreement Wage negotiations are still proceeding in the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) The implementation of the collective agreement can only be prepared once the wage negotiations have been finalised Negotiations are still ongoing in the PSCBC
PROGRAMME 4: GCIO (2) QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED PROGRAMME 4: GCIO (2) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Quarter Target Reported Achievement Compile 1 progress report on the implementation of e-Enabled services The progress report on the implementation of e-Enabled services was compiled in March 2018 Finalise the ICT project implementation standards The ICT project implementation standards were finalised in March 2018 Submit final report on the impact of the implementation of the ICT Cost Management Guidelines on the reduction in the department’s IT cost to the MPSA The final report on the impact of the implementation of the ICT Cost Management Guidelines on the reduction in the department’s IT cost was submitted to the MPSA in March 2018 Hold a national ICT security workshop to consult on the draft roadmap The national ICT Security workshop to consult on the draft roadmap was held with the national and provincial departments including entities in February 2018
PROGRAMME 5: SDS (2) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Compile report on the improvements in the turnaround times of 50% of the prioritised departments with mapped business processes The report on the improvements in the turnaround times of 50% of the prioritised departments with mapped business processes was compiled in March 2018 Submit a report on the advocacy and support provided on the 2015/18 Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) cycle to the MPSA The report on the advocacy and support provided on the 2015/18 SDIP cycle was submitted to the MPSA in March 2018 Compile a report on the implementation of the Batho Pele standards by prioritised departments The report on the implementation of the Batho Pele standards by prioritised departments was compiled in March 2018 Submit a report on the implementation of the Public Service Charter to the MPSA for approval The report on the implementation of the Public Service Charter was submitted to the MPSA for approval in March 2018
PROGRAMME 6: GPA (2) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Compile a report on the implementation for the guideline on mentoring and peer support mechanisms by the departments that were supported The report on the implementation of the guideline on mentoring and peer support mechanisms by departments that were supported was compiled in March 2018 Submit a report on departments supported to the Director-General The report on the departments supported to strengthen their HR Capacity was submitted to the Director-General in March 2018 Submit a request to the MPSA to designate further category/ries of employees to disclose financial interests The request to designate further category/ries of employees to disclose their financial interests was submitted to the MPSA in March 2018 Submit an annual report on the implementation of the Directive on other remunerative work to the Director-General The annual report on the implementation of the Directive on other remunerative work was submitted to the Director-General in March 2018 Submit report on the implementation of the Directive on conducting business with an organ of state to Director-General The report on the implementation of the Directive on conducting business with an organ of state was submitted to the Director-General in February 2018
PROGRAMME 6: GPA (3) 4TH QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2017/18 APP) Reported Achievement Conduct consultations with 5 national departments and 5 provincial departments Consultation sessions on the Policy Framework for the management of Protected Disclosures were conducted in February 2018 with the following Offices of the Premiers: Northern Cape Limpopo Western Cape Mpumalanga Eastern Cape; Free State; and KwaZulu-Natal Consultations were further conducted with the following national departments: Office of the Chief Justice Department of Education Department of Home Affairs South African Local Government Association Government Printing Works National Treasury Department of Public Service and Administration Department of Justice and Constitutional Development; and Department of Trade and Industry
TOTAL EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME - 31 MARCH 2018 (2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR) Description Final Budget Actual - 31 March 2018 Unspent % Spent R'000 % Administration 233,700 222,877 10,823 95.4 Policy Development, Research and Analysis 29,964 26,275 3,689 87.69 Labour Relations and Human Resource Management 66,323 64,685 1,638 97.53 Government Chief Information Officer 17,145 16,495 650 96.21 Service Delivery Support 49,408 47,950 1,458 97.05 Governance of Public Administration 44,584 42,585 1,999 95.52 Total 441,124 420,867 20,257 95.40 Centre for Public Service Innovation 34,055 - 100.00 National School of Government 153,906 Public Service Commission 248,059 436,020 877,144 856,887 97.69
TOTAL EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION - 31 MARCH 2018 (2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR) Description Final Budget Actual - 31 March 2018 Unspent % Spent R'000 % Compensation of Employees 265,211 260,423 4,788 98.19 Goods and Services 160,560 149,605 10,955 93.2 Payment for Financial Assets 60 - 100.00 Transfers and Subsidies 441,385 441,089 296 99.93 Payment of Capital Assets 9,928 5,710 4,218 57.51 Total 877,144 856,887 20,257 97.69
OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION - 31 MARCH 2018 (2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR) 30 Days No payment exceeded the 30 days period during the 2017/18 financial year. Unauthorised expenditure No unauthorised expenditure during the 2017/18 financial year. Fruitless and wasteful Two cases of fruitless and wasteful expenditure amounting to R3,240.00 were identified during the 2017/18 financial year. One case to the value of R1,800.00 identified during December 2017 that was written-off before 31 March 2018. Irregular expenditure Cases identified as irregular expenditure during the 2017/18 financial year amounted to R3 992 million. These cases will be investigated during this financial year.
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Introduction Overall DPSA 1st quarter performance (2018/19 APP) 1st quarter performance per programme (2018/19 APP) Total expenditure per programme - 30 June 2018 (2018/19 financial year) Total expenditure per economic classification - 30 June 2018 (2018/19 financial year) Other financial information - 30 June 2018 (2018/19 financial year) Human resources statistics (2018/19 financial year)
INTRODUCTION This presentation focuses on the implementation of the 1st quarter targets (April – June 2018) on the Department of Public Service and Administration’s (DPSA’s) 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan. The 1st quarter performance report not only focuses on the progress but also provides a summary of the key highlights of each progress. The 1st quarter performance report was audited by the Department’s Internal Audit Directorate and was submitted to the Minister for the Public Service and Administration, National Treasury, and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation by 31 July 2018. Upon their request, it was for the first time that the 1st quarter performance report was also submitted to the Auditor-General. On a monthly basis, a progress report on non-achieved targets will be produced and submitted to the Department’s Internal Audit Directorate for their auditing. The performance rating is as follows: Achieved The planned quarterly target was achieved Not achieved The planned quarterly target was not achieved
1ST QUARTER PERFORMANCE PER PROGRAMME (2018/19 APP) Number of Quarter Targets Number of Targets Achieved Number of Targets Not Achieved Percentage Achievement 1. Administration 5 100% 2. Policy Development, Research and Analysis 7 6 1 86% 3. Public Service Employment and Conditions of Services 3 2 67% 4. Government Chief Information Officer 5. Service Delivery Support 4 6. Governance of Public Administration OVERALL DPSA PERFORMANCE 29 25
PROGRAMME 1: ADMIN (2) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Annual Financial Statement for 2017/18 submitted to National Treasury by 31 May 2018 The Annual Financial Statements for 2017/18 were submitted to National Treasury on 31 May 2018 The Department’s budget allocation for the 2017/18 financial year was R877 144 million. As at 31 March 2018, R856 887 million (97.7%) of the budget allocation was spent 4th quarter report on the implementation of the 2017/18 APP submitted to the Executive Authority, National Treasury and DPME by April 2018 The 4th quarter report on the implementation of the 2017/18 APP was submitted to the Executive Authority, National Treasury and DPME in April 2018 During the 4th quarter, the Department had a total of 34 target, of which 30 (88%) targets were achieved 4th quarterly 2017/18 Internal Audit and 1st 2018/19 Risk Management performance reports submitted to the Audit and Risk Management Committee The 4th quarterly 2017/18 Internal Audit and 1st quarter 2018/19 Risk Management performance reports were submitted to the Audit and Risk Management Committee in May 2018 The Internal Audit and Risk Management Directorate reports indicate that the systems of internal control are generally adequate and effective, with the exception of the following matters: Implementation of the Performance Management and Development system was not managed effectively Administration of performance assessments processes were not managed effectively Integrated Financial Management System is not operational Leave payout for unused leave days were not managed effectively Discrepancies were noted in the administration of recruitment and appointment process Exit interview questionnaire were not completed and analysis reports not prepared
PROGRAMME 1: ADMIN (3) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement 4th quarter 2017/18 report on the DPSA’s compliance to Financial Management, Human Resources and Labour Relations Prescripts submitted to the Director-General The 4th quarter 2017/18 report on the DPSA’s compliance to Financial Management, Human Resources and Labour Relations Prescripts was submitted to the Director-General in June 2018 During the 4th quarter, there were 39 compliance areas, of which 38 (97%) of the compliance areas were complied with 4th quarterly 2017/18 progress report on the implementation of the department’s Bi-Lateral and Multi-Lateral programmes submitted to the Director-General The 4th quarterly 2017/18 progress report on the implementation of the department’s Bi-Lateral and Multi-Lateral programmes was submitted to the Director-General in May 2018 The DPSA participated in the following events: African Union Commission for Political Affairs expert’s meeting on subcommittee for Public Service held in April 2018 9th Regional South African Development Community workshop held in May 2018
PROGRAMME 2: PDR&A (2) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Research conducted for the development of the draft business case for the envisaged Office of Standards Research in the form of a feasibility study was conducted for the development of the draft business case for the envisaged Office of Standards The feasibility study sets out the institutional option assessment and business case for the establishment of an Office for Standards and Compliance for the Public Service Identification of Public Service performance information to be included in data collection and measurement tools The Public Service performance information to be included in data collection and measurement tools was identified in April 2018 based on 2016 Public Service Regulations The identified performance information will be used for producing the monitoring report of selected Public Service Norms and Standards by departments A report on the literature review of the Centre of Government theoretical underpinnings and practice compiled The report on the literature review of the Centre of Government theoretical underpinnings and practice was compiled in June 2018 The literature review attempts to deepen the research conducted on administrations in sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia over and above those conducted for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries and Latin America
PROGRAMME 2: PDR&A (3) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement A briefing session conducted, with stakeholders on the approved Concept Document informing the drafting of the White Paper on the Transformation and Modernisation of Public Administration A briefing session on the approved Concept Document informing the drafting of the White Paper on the Transformation and Modernisation of Public Administration was conducted with the DPSA Technical Working Group in April 2018 In terms of the Concept Document, the draft White Paper on the Transformation and Modernisation of Public Administration will seek to supersede the following White Papers: White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service, 1995 White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery, 1997 (Batho Pele White Paper) White Paper on Human Resource Management, 1997 White Paper on Public Service Education and Education, 1997 White Paper on Local Government, 1998
PROGRAMME 2: PDR&A (4) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Consolidated report on the efficacy of the Productivity Measurement Framework on the piloted departments compiled The consolidated report on the efficacy of the Productivity Measurement Framework on the piloted departments was compiled in June 2018 The report highlights the need for government departments to improve the quality of their administrative datasets related to their respective legal mandates and that such datasets should be made available to the public in furtherance of the constitutional imperative for open governance A workshop held with national and provincial departments on the draft OFA Tool Workshops on the draft OFA Tool were held with 7 national departments and 14 KwaZulu-Natal provincial departments in June 2018 The purpose of the workshops was to receive inputs in order to refine the draft OFA Tool
PROGRAMME 2: PDR&A (5) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Reason for Variance Action to Address Non-Achievement Selected departments consulted on the refined draft Strategic Framework for the Public Administration Norms and Standards The Department engaged with the Public Service Commission in preparation for the consultations on the refined draft Strategic Framework for the Public Administration Norms and Standards The purpose of the consultations is to strengthen the refined draft Strategic Framework for the Public Administration Norms and Standards The consultation with the Public Service Commission could not take place due to their unavailability during the 1st quarter A consultation session with the Public Service Commission is scheduled for July 2018
PROGRAMME 3: PSE&CS (2) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Data on the appointment of persons into developmental programmes within the Public Service collected from departments on the implementation during the 2017/18 financial year Data on the appointment of persons into developmental programmes within the Public Service was collected from departments on the implementation during the 2017/18 financial year As at 30 March 2018, there were 20 556 interns, learners and apprenticeship recruited into developmental programmes for the 2017/18 financial year 1st report on the implementation of the GEHS submitted to the Director-General The 1st report on the implementation of the GEHS was submitted to the Director-General in June 2018 The report indicates the following: As at 31 May 2018, 544 446 employees had enrolled to receive the new GEHS housing allowance and 357 651 employees who do not own houses have a portion the housing allowance diverted and accumulated into a savings facility To date, nearly R5.2 billion has been accumulated by employees in the Individual Linked Savings Facility
PROGRAMME 3: PSE&CS (3) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Reason for Variance Action to Address Non-Achievement 4th quarter report for the 2017/18 financial year on the number of days taken to resolve disciplinary cases submitted to the Director-General Data analysis was completed however, the drafting of the 4th quarter report for the 2017/18 financial year on the number of days taken to resolve disciplinary cases is in progress The report was delayed due to the late submission of information by departments on PERSAL The report is en route to the Director-General for approval
PROGRAMME 4: GCIO (2) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement 1st draft Public Service Digitalization Strategic Framework for the Public Service developed The 1st draft Public Service Digitalization Strategic Framework for the Public Service was developed in June 2018 The purpose of the Digitalization Strategic Framework is to define key considerations by government to transition towards a Digital Government 1st draft Public Service Cloud Policy developed The 1st draft Public Service Cloud Policy was developed in June 2018 The purpose of the Cloud Policy is to give direction to national and provincial departments on considerations prior to procuring cloud services. Furthermore, departments will use the Policy as guidelines in reviewing their existing cloud solutions Data on ICT expenditure from departments for analysis collected The data on ICT expenditure from departments for analysis was collected from National Treasury and the Department in June 2018 As at June 2018, the total ICT expenditure by departments for the 2017/18 financial year was over R2 billion
PROGRAMME 4: GCIO (3) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Draft Public Service ICT Value Management Framework developed The draft Public Service ICT Value Management Framework was developed in June 2018 The purpose of the ICT Value Management Framework is to guide departments on how to measure the value from the ICT investments Public Service ICT Security Assessment Standard developed The Public Service ICT Security Assessment Standard was developed in June 2018 The purpose of the Public Service ICT Security Assessment Standard is to articulate the recommendations of the ICT security guidelines into measurable criteria into which Heads of Department can measure the ICT security Current Corporate Governance of ICT Assessment Standard revised The current Corporate Governance of ICT Assessment Standard was revised in June 2018 The purpose of the Corporate Governance of ICT Assessment Standard is to articulate the recommendations of the Corporate Governance of ICT Policy Framework into measurable criteria against which the Heads of the Department can measure the ICT conformance and performance of a department
PROGRAMME 5: SDS (2) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Support provided through engagements for the implementation of the 3 building blocks of the Operations Management Framework Support was provided through engagements to the following departments on the implementation of the 3 building blocks of the Operations Management Framework: Centre for Public Service Innovation Office of the Public Protector South African Police Service Department of Small Business Development Department of Higher Education and Training Selected North West provincial departments Nkangala District Municipality in Mpumalanga The purpose of the Operations Management Framework is to assist government institutions to plan, structure, execute and continuously improve their operations for the effective and efficient delivery of services
PROGRAMME 5: SDS (3) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Key indicators for the SDIP implementation developed The key indicators for the SDIP implementation was developed in April 2018 The indicators will be utilised during the sector-focused SDIP workshops that will be conducted on the extent of the implementation of the SDIP during the 2015/18 SDIP cycle A workshop conducted with national departments and provinces on the Public Service Charter A workshop on the implementation of the Public Service Charter was conducted with the Department of Public Enterprises in April 2018 and the Mnini Thusong Services Centre in KwaZulu-Natal in June 2018 Two (2) stakeholder consultations on the Community Development Workers Framework concept convened Two (2) stakeholder consultations on the Community Development Workers Framework concept were conducted in the Western and Northern Cape provinces in June 2018
PROGRAMME 5: SDS (4) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Reason for Variance Action to Address Non-Achievement Report on the assessment of departments implementing the Batho Pele standards for the 2017/18 financial year submitted to the Director-General The drafting of the report on the assessment of departments implementing the Batho Pele standards for the 2017/18 financial year was in progress The following 6 provinces participated in the assessment of the implementation of the Batho Pele programme (principles and standards): North West Mpumalanga Free State Eastern Cape Western Cape Gauteng In addition, assistance was provided to the national departments of Basic Education and Human Settlements on improving their implementation of the Batho Pele standards in May 2018 The officials responsible for the compilation of the report were assigned to the KwaZulu-Natal Office of the Premier for the adjudication of the Premiers’ Service Excellence Awards The report will be submitted to the Director-General by the end of July 2018
PROGRAMME 5: SDS (5) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Reason for Variance Action to Address Non-Achievement Consultations to orientate stakeholders on the review process commenced There were no consultations held as the institutional structures were not established. However, the Inter Ministerial Committee was approved by Cabinet. The Committee will therefore, enable the establishment of the National Governing Council that will oversee the implementation of the 2nd Generation Review process Consultations could only commence once the institutional structures have been established The institutional structures will be established during the 2nd quarter. Following the establishment of the institutional structures, consultations will commence
PROGRAMME 6: GPA (2) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Report on the improved adherence by national and provincial departments to the Directive on Public Administration and Management Delegations submitted to the Director-General e report on the improved adherence by national and provincial departments to the Directive on Public Administration and Management Delegations was submitted to the Director-General in June 2018 The report indicates that 96 out of 158 departments assessed (61%) complied with the Directive. The breakdown of the compliance rate is as follows: National departments: 23 out of 44 (52%) Provincial departments: 73 out of 114 (64%) Overall, there was a 2% decrease in the compliance rate as compared to the previous year (62%)
PROGRAMME 6: GPA (3) 1ST QUARTER TARGETS ACHIEVED (2018/19 APP) Reported Achievement Report on the adherence by Public Service employees in national and provincial departments to the legislative framework prohibiting them from conducting business with an organ of state submitted to the Director-General The report on the adherence by Public Service employees in national and provincial departments to the legislative framework prohibiting them from conducting business with an organ of state was submitted to the Director-General in June 2018 The report indicates that from April – June 2018, 692 officials conducted business with an organ of state. Out of the 692 officials, 4 were in an official capacity
TOTAL EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME - 30 JUNE 2018 (2018/19 FINANCIAL YEAR) Description Allocated Budget Actual - 30 June 2018 Available Budget % Spent R'000 % Administration 248,911 42,355 206,556 17.02 Policy Development, Research and Analysis 34,106 6,688 27,418 19.61 Public Service Employment and Conditions of Service 78,601 15,187 63,414 19.32 Government Chief Information Officer 21,722 3,921 17,801 18.05 Service Delivery Support 56,388 10,420 45,968 18.48 Governance of Public Administration 47,540 9,494 38,046 19.97 Total 487,268 88,065 399,203 18.07 Centre for Public Service Innovation 36,030 7,886 28,144 21.89 National School of Government 168,959 39,732 129,227 23.52 Public Service Commission 264,399 66,253 198,146 25.06 469,388 113,871 355,517 24.26 956,656 201,936 754,720 21.11
TOTAL EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION - 30 JUNE 2018 (2018/19 FINANCIAL YEAR) Description Allocated Budget Actual - 30 June 2018 Available Budget % spent R'000 % Compensation of Employees 288,433 62,951 225,482 21.83 Goods and Services 190,463 19,900 170,563 10.45 Transfers and Subsidies 471,588 114,154 357,434 24.21 Payment of Capital Assets 6,172 4,931 1,241 79.89 Total 956,656 201,936 754,720 21.11
OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION - 30 JUNE 2018 (2018/19 FINANCIAL YEAR) 30 Days No payment exceeded the 30 days period during the 1st quarter of the 2018/19 financial year. Unauthorised expenditure No unauthorised expenditure were incurred during this quarter. Fruitless and wasteful No fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred in the 1st quarter of 2018/19. Irregular expenditure No irregular expenditure was identified in the 1st quarter of 2018/19.
HUMAN RESOURCE STATISTICS – (2018/19 FINANCIAL YEAR) Vacancy Rate The DPSA has 483 posts, 68 of these posts are vacant = 14.07% vacancy rate 33 of the 68 (48.52%) vacant posts have been identified to be abolished, which is due to the limited compensation budget which will reduce the current vacancy rate 5% Females at management level SMS (Levels 13 – 16) 41.57 % MMS (Levels 11 – 12) 51.76% People with Disabilities 2.4%