Welcome to 8th Grade Science Mrs. Morgan
Welcome to 8th grade science! As you come in Find a seat. From your seat, look around the room while using your keen powers of observation to answer the following questions: How many bookshelves are in the room? What is Mrs. Morgan’s eye color? Where are the rules and procedures posters located?
How do we start class? Every day, you’ll be seated, get your folder and paper out, and complete the bellringer. Have your assignments completed and ready to turn in. Backpacks are on the floor, and cell phones are off and safely tucked away inside.
How do we pass in papers? Pass papers to the end of the table closest to Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Morgan will come to each table, and collect the papers or ask for a helper.
What is science? Science discovers the why and how of the way nature works. It also seeks the answers to questions and problems. People then use technology, engineering, and math to solve problems and answer questions using the information science has discovered.
What science will we study this year? Physics – how does energy and matter interact? Chemistry - science of matter, how it reacts, as well as also its composition, structure and properties Heredity How are traits passed down?
So…….how should I behave in Science?
Table Manners
Class Rules
Be Kind! Do not willfully harm someone else. (Physically or Verbally) Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable.
Be Respectful! Do not willfully destroy school or another’s property. If it is not yours, do not touch or take without permission.
Be Cooperative Follow the teacher's directions immediately. Do not refuse to do what is asked.
Use Self Discipline Do not disrupt the learning atmosphere in class. Talk only when permitted. Whole group instruction = Silent or raise hand to comment or ask questions unless directed otherwise. Lab/Small group = Quiet Voices
Be Safe Follow all safety procedures & guidelines. Please do not chew gum, or eat food or candy in class. Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.
Everyday Expectations As a student, I will
Every day I will… Be on time. On time = In seat completing bellringer when the tardy bell rings.
“The door of opportunity is wide open if you are prepared.” Every day I will… Be prepared to learn Bring my pencils, paper, and anything else I may need to be successful. “The door of opportunity is wide open if you are prepared.” “To be prepared is half the victory.”
Every day I will… Begin my bellringer within 60 sec of coming into class.
Every day I will… Be honest Tell the truth No Cheating Always tell the truth. If you can't always tell the truth, don't lie.
Every day I will… Maintain a positive attitude. "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right." - Henry Ford
What happens if I need to go to the restroom???? You cannot use the bathroom the first & last 10 minutes of class or during a lecture. If we are working on an activity or seat work, ask for permission. You have 3 minutes to use the restroom.
What if I am thirsty???? We are fortunate to have a drinking fountain just outside the door. You may use it as you enter and leave class.
How to leave class… The bell does not dismiss you, I do. When dismissed, push in your chair. Walk out the door.