Definition & Description: The impetus for creating this project stems from a gap in the field of Imaging Science, where there is currently no method for measuring the reflectance of real objects from multiple viewing angles. Much research is now being focused in this direction as the desire to know an object’s Bi-Directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) increases. Problem Statement: Imaging a real object’s BRDF requires a precision mechanical platform that is capable of constantly tracking a target with a camera and simultaneously logging its location with every image captured. Meet the Team: Matthew Harris, ME, Will Casolara, ME, Ross Strebig, ME, Robert Jaromin, EE, Kathryn Berens, ME, Richard Andol, ME SolidWorks Model Customer Needs: - Instantaneously look at an object from all possible vantage points before the sun moves - Come up with the shapes of the Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDF) of natural targets outside on a clear day - Show that BRDF exists in multiple band passes - Digital count drift of no more than 2% - Batteries to hold power for a reasonable amount of time - Batteries that are easy to change - 15x15 pixel area on target at all times - 50-70 degree angle from horizontal on target - Log GPS coordinates with each picture taken - Time stamp on pictures to know when it was taken - Keep the system nearly level while imaging - Robust enough to prevent damage of equipment - Store images as .TIFF files Final Product Summary of Testing: - Servo motor accuracy test - GPS coordinate accuracy test - Data logging with the PC 104 board - Camera/Frame grabber interface - Altimeter calibration and testing - Structure random vibration testing - Flight test of completed platform functionality Key Subsystems: PC104 system BASIC Stamp Interface Power Conditioning Process GPS data for motor movement. The PC104 system operates using a stripped down Linux operating system. Also logs picture and all data from the BASIC Stamp Contain the necessary components required to communicate with the motors and any analog hardware such as the altimeter, inclinometer, and hall-effect sensors. Contains the power circuitry to provide the PC104 and motors with the required power to operate. DC-DC converters turn 14.8V into 12V and 5V Results: While the entire system has not been tested with full integration yet, each subsystem performs well by itself. The servos, BASIC Stamp, GPS, and PC104 all work together and have been tested as fully functional. Vibration Test Profile ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Sponsored by The Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science Guide: Dr. Marcos Esterman – Customer : Dr. Carl Salvaggio Special Thanks to : Jason Faulring for his expertise in regards to programming the PC104 Board Dr. John Arney for his volunteering to fly us around Dr. Bob Kremens for his electronics help and general sunny disposition Vehicle Functionality Testing