LEADING TRANSFORMATION 8th ANNUAL BUSINESS ANALYSIS CONFERENCE 2017 LEADING TRANSFORMATION EARLY BIRD Conference Admission $175 Member $275 Non-Member Ends 7/21/17 STANDARD $225 $325 Ends 9/5/17 PRE EVENT $400 Ends 9/14/2017 Register Now! DELIVERING ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES September 14 | 7a-4:30p Mid America Center | Council Bluffs IA Visit our website for more registration and conference information. http://heartlandiiba.org Questions? baconferenceregistration@heartlandiiba.org IIBA®, the IIBA® logo, BABOK® and Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® are registered trademarks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis. CBAP®, CCBA®, and the CBAP® and CCBA® logos are registered certification marks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis.