Legal Debate Project
Scenario: There are some important legal topics that need to be examined and put up for debate before the next election. Your group has been selected to represent one of the arguments.
Group Format - Pro (2 Students to provide their argument on why they support the issue) - Con (2 Students to provide their argument on why they oppose the issue) - Each group will be assigned a topic and a side (pro/con). * Every student must demonstrate they participated in all the research work, essay, and oral presentation.
Project Requirements 1. PowerPoint - (10-12 slides per group) Use bullet points to outline the key points of the argument. 2. Graphic Organizer (Venn Diagram) 3. Essay – Each group will write a 600 words essay. Follow the format example on the website. Debate topic should be on the cover page. Example: Pro/Yes on the Topic - Should the death penalty be allowed?) Cite all your sources on the reference page on the back of the essay. 4. Each group will provide examples (e.g., cite the constitutional law, precedence “past cases”, federal or State laws, recent events) to support the debate topic. 5. Index cards (2-3 cards per student) with notes on the presentations. Do not read directly from the PowerPoint.
Data (Information) - Debater(s) will need to research the material related to the debate. The research essay will provide the information for the debate. Cite various information from the essay to support your arguments (i.e., constitutional law, precedence “past cases", recent events) Visual Effects - Debater(s) must use visual effects (pictures, graphs) in the PowerPoint presentation to enhance their presentation. Debater(s) can be creative by including a short video clip (1 minute or less) to enhance your argument. The short video clip must be relevant to the debate topic.
Maintaining Composure - Each student is expected to maintain their composure during the presentation. The student must be respectful during their opponent’s presentation. Anybody that tries to instigate/incite an argument that could lead to unrest will be removed from class and the student(s) will get NO CREDIT for the assignment. * Note: Loosing your composure shows lack of confidence and exposes weakness. You also lose credibility with the Instructor.
Time Frame Presentation - Pro (3 to 4 minutes) - Con (3 to 4 minutes) Rebuttals - Pro (2 to 3 minutes) - Con (2 to 3 minutes) Final Thoughts (If any…) - Pro (1 minute) - Con (1 minute) * Time will be monitored so do not go over the time limit. It will result in a lower grade.
Audience - It is very important that each student pay attention during the presentation. The instructor will ask the whole class for a vote (show of hands) on who won the debate at the end of each debate. Students that are not paying attention and do not raise their hands will lose points from their own project. - Do not use cell phones, sleep, or talk during the presentation. - Do not incite/instigate an argument during the presentation. It will result in getting suspended from class and will not get any credit for the assignment.
What will be graded/collected What will be graded/collected ? PowerPoint (10-12 slides) Email a copy to the instructor. on the due date. During the presentation, look at the audience occasionally and be loud/clear. Use Visuals to enhance your presentation. The following items will be collected (hard copy required) in the end of each debate: - Essay (600 words) one per group. - Graphic Organizer – (Venn Diagram) one per group. - Index Cards (2-3 cards per person) *NOTE: This assignment requires ALL the work (debate presentation and essay) must be completed. No partial work will be accepted. It’s ALL THE WORK COMPLETED OR NO CREDIT!