The First Sunday in Lent One: We live in God’s safe haven, in shelter provided by God. All: God is our refuge and our strength and we trust in God.
The First Sunday in Lent One: We live with the promise that God is present when we face danger in the darkness of night or in the bright sun of midday. All: God is our refuge and our strength. We trust in God
The First Sunday in Lent One: Those who love God, God will rescue; those who know God’s name, God will protect. All: God is our refuge and our strength. We trust in God.
The First Sunday in Lent One: God will satisfy us, and we will know God’s salvation. All: God is our refuge and our strength. We trust in God.
The First Sunday in Lent One: Let us pray. All: We begin the Lenten journey trusting in you as our refuge and strength and assured of your never-ending care. In our joys and celebrations and in times of trial and temptation, you are present with us. …
The First Sunday in Lent …continued Everyone who calls to you for help is saved through the suffering love of Jesus. We praise and adore you, O God, in and through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The Second Sunday in Lent One: We have confidence in God and shall not be afraid. All: God is our light, our strength and our salvation.
The Second Sunday in Lent One: We live in the midst of forces that seek to destroy life; but we are not afraid. All: God is our light, our strength and our salvation.
The Second Sunday in Lent One: To those who cry out to God, God answers and is gracious. All: God is our light, our strength and our salvation.
The Second Sunday in Lent One: God will hide us in God’s shelter, and we will know God’s salvation. All: God is our light, our strength and our salvation.
The Second Sunday in Lent One: Let us pray. All: O God, you are our light in the times of shadow and darkness and our strength in times of frailty and weakness. When we lose our way you gently guide us. …
The Second Sunday in Lent …continued When we call to you we are graced with the comfort of your presence. When we are afraid you transform fear into faithfulness. …
The Second Sunday in Lent …continued In Jesus Christ, we taste your salvation and the Holy Spirit makes us strong, leading us through the darkness into light. We praise and adore you, O God, in and through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The Third Sunday in Lent One: We live in the knowledge that God satisfies our souls thirst with refreshing water. All: God’s steadfast love is better than life.
The Third Sunday in Lent One: We live with the assurance that those who destroy will never triumph. All: God’s steadfast love is better than life.
The Third Sunday in Lent One: Our souls are satisfied as with a rich feast and so we sing for joy in the shadow of God’s wings. All: God’s steadfast love is better than life.
The Third Sunday in Lent One: God is our God and we have seen God’s power and glory; we know God’s salvation. All: God’s steadfast love is better than life.
The Third Sunday in Lent One: Let us pray. All: Loving and Gracious God, we continue our Lenten journey of personal reflection and repentance. We do so with joy and hope for we know that your mercy is always close to us. When we call you, you hear. …
The Third Sunday in Lent …continued You provide fine food to fill our hunger and refreshing waters to quench our thirst. In Jesus Christ you span the distance between your thoughts and our thoughts, between your ways and our ways. We praise and adore you, O God, in and through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The Fourth Sunday in Lent One: We live with the knowledge that we are forgiven and our sins are covered over. All: God’s steadfast love surrounds those who trust God.
The Fourth Sunday in Lent One: We live with the promise that God preserves us from trouble, allowing us to sing songs of freedom. All: God’s steadfast love surrounds those who trust God.
The Fourth Sunday in Lent One: God instructs us and teaches us the way we should go. All: God’s steadfast love surrounds those who trust God.
The Fourth Sunday in Lent One: God fills us with joy and gladness. We have known God’s salvation! All: God’s constant love surrounds those who trust God.
The Fourth Sunday in Lent One: Let us pray. All: Holy God, we are deeply grateful and we continue along the Lenten journey. In spite of our rebellion and stubborn wandering from your ways, you are not angry with us. …
The Fourth Sunday in Lent …continued You are not removed from us but come rushing toward us to receive us with arms wide open. You bring us back home, bless us and fill us with hope. …
The Fourth Sunday in Lent …continued Surrounded by your grace and bathed in your love, we shout for joy and rest in the comfort of your encircling arms. We praise and adore you, O God, in and through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The Fifth Sunday in Lent One: We are a people of memory and hope. All: We are filled with laughter and we shout for joy.
The Fifth Sunday in Lent One: We live with the assurance that God acts in love. All: Our mouths are filled with laughter and we shout for joy.
The Fifth Sunday in Lent One: God has done great things for us! All: Our mouths are filled with laughter and we shout for joy.
The Fifth Sunday in Lent One: God has refreshed our lives with cool waters. We have tasted God’s salvation. All: Our mouths are filled with laughter and we shout for joy.
The Fifth Sunday in Lent One: Let us pray. All: O God of hope, you have given us reason to be joyful and to laugh. With the Psalmist we remember and celebrate your faithfulness in the past. …
The Fifth Sunday in Lent …continued With the Prophet Isaiah we rely on the new things you have planned for us. We anticipate a joyous future when those who cry will shout for joy. …
The Fifth Sunday in Lent …continued We remember Jesus and celebrate the new thing made possible for us through Christ and the cross. We praise and adore you, O God, in and through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Palm/Passion Sunday One: We live in the midst of chaos and still give thanks to God who is good. All: God’s love will always be there for us.
Palm/Passion Sunday One: We live with the promise that, as God has blessed us, God will continue to bless us. All: God’s love will always be there for us.
Palm/Passion Sunday One: We join in the great “Hosannas” of all the saints, knowing and believing that God will act to save us. All: God’s love will always be there for us.
Palm/Passion Sunday One: The One rejected as worthless has become our salvation. All: God’s love will always be there for us.
Palm/Passion Sunday One: Let us pray. All: Loving God, we praise you that with humility Christ emptied himself for us. We marvel at the faithfulness with which he continued on the way to Jerusalem. …
Palm/Passion Sunday …continued He did not allow anyone or anything to block his way. With that same determination we follow him through Holy Week and we seek your presence through the dark days of remembrance, reflection and repentance. …
Palm/Passion Sunday …continued We cry out with our “Hosannas,” believing and knowing that Jesus is our Lord. We praise and adore you, O God, in and through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Easter Sunday One: Today we celebrate our rescue from all that seeks to destroy life. All: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!
Easter Sunday One: We celebrate the new life of Easter in which the old ways of fear and discouragement have been shattered. All: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!
Easter Sunday One: We celebrate the privilege of sharing the new life and promise of Easter with others through the ministries of the Church. All: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!
Easter Sunday One: All honour and praise and glory be given to the Triune God who has rescued us. All: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!
Easter Sunday One: Let us pray. All: God of salvation, you have rolled away the stone! The tomb is empty! All the forces that seek to destroy have been defeated! We rejoice in the promises. …
Easter Sunday …continued Christ is risen and, with all that we have and all that we are, we celebrate that victory. We will continue our celebration through the witness of our daily living and the witness of the Church and its ministries. …
Easter Sunday …continued Hear our shouts of adoration and praise as we pray together in the name of the risen One, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.