Physical and Mechanical Practices in grape IPM


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Presentation transcript:

Physical and Mechanical Practices in grape IPM

Physical control/practices Introduction Modification of physical factors in the environment to minimise or prevent pest problems and use of physical forces like temperature, light, moisture etc. in managing the insect pests is known as physical control. In some words, use of devices either that affect the pests physically or alter their physical environment.

Heat therapy for nematode management Heat therapy of the cuttings can be done to prevent spread of nematodes to newer soils through infested rooted cuttings. Immersion of rooted cuttings in hot water at a temperature of 47.7o C for 30 min, or 48.8o C for 10 min was found effective in killing the nematodes present in roots.

Use of light traps: Install light traps near or within the vineyards to trap the flying insects. E.g., Helicoverpa, Spodoptera and beetles etc. Arranging of lights in the interior and peripheral area of the vineyard and illumination during nights can minimize the bat damage of bunches.

Mechanical method Use of manual forces or the mechanical devices for the destruction or exclusion of pests is known as mechanical method of pest management. These are very useful on small scale and during initial stages of pest infestation.

Trapping the pests: Install 4-5 yellow sticky coloured traps per acre to monitor thrips population. Use of pheromone traps was found to be very effective in catching adult moths and also to know the population built up of the pest. Traps should be placed in the vineyard in the early spring, prior to bloom.  A minimum of 3 traps/10 acre vineyard block should be used.  Traps should be hung from the top wire of the trellis, and placed around the perimeter of the vineyard. 

Hand picking of stem girdler beetles: During the day, the adults hide on the lower side of the leaves or under the forking of the bunches, but actively move out at night avoiding the light. Beetles should be handpicked (at night with the help of torch light) and killed as and when noticed.

GRAPEVINE FLEA BEETLE Scelodonta strigicollis Flea beetle can be controlled by putting bundles of dry shreads of banana on the pruned end of the vines in the evening, beetles which take shelter at night can be shaken and collected in the morning. Hand removal of loose bark after pruning. Shaking of vines on a sheet of cloth spread below the vines to dislodge the beetles. Put into trays containing kerosenated water and destroy them. them. Courtesy:

Mealy bug Debarking and rubbing the vine stems with a stiff cloth soon after pruning. Application of a sticky band like “Track trap” or “Bird Tangle foot” on the arms or on main stem before the appearance of mealybugs on vines or bunches. These sticking materials prevent the crawlers reaching the bunch.

Anthracnose, Downey mildew and Powdery mildew Infected leaves / diseased portion of the vine should be selectively collected an bury them to avoid further spread.

Bats and Bird management Covering around the vineyard with strong nylon net is recommended to minimize the bird and bat damage. Tying reflective tapes across the vineyard at irregular intervals. Scaring birds by making very loud noise by beating drums at irregular rhythm, by exploding fire crackers or by sulphur explosive. Destruction of roost/perch sites and thinning out tree canopies to discourage roosting in the vicinity of vineyards.  

Let’s sum up Various physical and mechanical methods of the pest control are being used in different parts of India mostly suiting the local conditions. They are very effective and economical components for use in IPM. A combination of physical, mechanical and cultural control practices can help to lower the general equilibrium position of insect pests. If properly managed, some of these practices may obviate the need for insecticidal applications.