Chapter 8 At the Turn of the Century An out line of American literature 20102552 Yeon-chul Jo 20158009 Young-ae Kim Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
Backgrounds Authors & works Contents 00 Contents Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
Backgrounds Turn of the century : Muckraker era : Naturalism : 01 Backgrounds Backgrounds Turn of the century : The end of the 19th century and beginning of 20th century The change from agricultural society to industrial society. Muckraker era : At this period , Muckrakers are the people who attacked on the corrupt politicians and capitalists Naturalism : “uncontrollable forces”, “energy “and “evolution” were appearing in novels under the influence of some science studies and philosophers , Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
Frank Norris Non scientific Naturalist 02 Authors and works Frank Norris Non scientific Naturalist New way of Thinking (Passion & Fate) Romantic Writers Description Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
Frank Norris’s Works Confliction between nature and mechanics(money) 02 Authors and works Frank Norris’s Works Confliction between nature and mechanics(money) The Problem of Capitalism The Act of Fate Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
Jack London (Darwinian) Naturalist The Survival of the Fittest 02 Authors and works Jack London (Darwinian) Naturalist The Survival of the Fittest Using Animals as a Main Character Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
Jack London’s Works Uncommon Characters (Animals) The Death of Misfits 02 Authors and works Jack London’s Works Uncommon Characters (Animals) The Death of Misfits The Power of Nature(Environment) Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
Upton Sinclair The Most Famous Muckraker 02 Authors and works Upton Sinclair The Most Famous Muckraker The Goodness and Justice of Human Changes of Society Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
Upton Sinclair’s work The Weapon in the Fight for the Justice 02 Authors and works Upton Sinclair’s work The Weapon in the Fight for the Justice Similar Practical Effect as Uncle Tom’s Cabin Not Satisfactory as a Literature Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
O. Henry Muckraker (short story) 02 Authors and works O. Henry Muckraker (short story) Using his own experience as ideas for story Journalistic style like Mark Twain Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
O. Henry’s works Loving Portraits of the Lives of Ordinary People 02 Authors and works O. Henry’s works Loving Portraits of the Lives of Ordinary People Keeping an Important Piece of Information from the Reader Until the Very End. Lack of Detail Description Ch. 8 At the Turn of the Century
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