Virginia and Beatriz Period 7 Egg Experiment Virginia and Beatriz Period 7
How will the egg change based on the different liquid it soaks in? Our Question How will the egg change based on the different liquid it soaks in?
Our Hypotheses In vinegar we thought it would get bigger and warmer. In water we thought it wouldn’t do anything. In salt water we thought it would become less warmer and smaller. In food coloring we thought the egg would change color in the outside and inside.
Procedures 1.Find the mass of egg using a scale 2.Find the circumference of the egg using a string and then a ruler 3.Write down observations of egg in data table 4.Using a graduated cylinder, measure 200ml of vinegar and add to container 5.Carefully add egg to container and leave for 24 hours 6.Repeat steps 1-5 but with salt water, then food coloring, then a liquid of choice
Day 1 Vinegar Today we put the egg in 200ml of vinegar. The egg was smooth, white, and had a hard shell. Day 1 Mass Circumference 10/3 58g 13.5cm
Day 2 Water Today we put the egg in 200ml of water. Feels like water balloon and rough. Day 2 Mass Circumference 10/7 62g 14.1cm
Day 3 Saltwater Today we put the egg in 200ml of saltwater. The egg was smooth like water balloon again. Day 3 Mass Circumference 10/8 76g 15.2cm
Day 4 Food Coloring Today we put the egg in 200ml of food coloring. The egg was smooth like water balloon again. Day 4 Mass Circumference 10/9 76g 16.1cm
Day 5 shampoo, syrup Today we put the egg in 200ml of shampoo and syrup. The egg was soft, feels like it’s going to pop, gushy. Day 5 Mass Circumference 10/14 50 g 151.3 cm
Day 6 Last Day Today we got to pop the egg but before we popped it the egg felt soft , like it was going to pop, gushy. Day 5 Mass Circumference 10/14 50 g 151.3 cm
Our Data
Conclusion Our hypothesis was half right for the vinegar it did get bigger but it didn’t get warmer. Then in water we were completely wrong because it got bigger and heavier. In salt water we were also wrong it got bigger not smaller. In food coloring we were write it did change color from the outside but we don’t know if it changed from the inside. Next time we would change our hypothesis by saying it won’t get cold or warm.