Welcome to the University Library The copyright in this material is owned by the University of Portsmouth. The material is provided to you for use in your academic studies with the University and should be used for this purpose only. Use of the material for any other purposes, including sharing the materials with third parties outside of the University, is prohibited without the express, written consent of the University. Welcome to the University Library Hannah Porter and Lizzie Wildgoose October 2018
Who we are… Hannah Porter Lizzie Wildgoose Faculty Librarian Email: hannah.porter@port.ac.uk @UoPBizLib Lizzie Wildgoose Assistant Faculty Librarian Email: lizzie.wildgoose@port.ac.uk
How can I find quality information sources? Start with what your lecturers recommend… Then find alternative textbooks using the Library Catalogue… Move on to journal articles (or trade publications etc.) via Discovery… Subject specific resources and databases: for advanced searches and queries Everything is at: https://library.port.ac.uk/
University Library Website
Your Username and Password Accessing Electronic Resources When off campus, will need to login to access our resources Most use username and university password – same you used to log into the computer If need help, contact library GUIDE ATTACHED Strongly encourage VPN if possible as mentioned before But do login to library website if nothing else …
Your Student Card and Books Lets you in and out of the building Carries your Library number Is used for borrowing books Log into your account and reserve items others have borrowed You can also access ebooks from home!
Finding (e)books… For print, you need the DEWEY CODE For electronic, you will need your University login if off campus
Ebook Central Click on Sign In to get to your account Add books to your bookshelf Create: Highlights Notes Bookmarks
Use Google… …but control its power! Vast quantity of information available BUT varies enormously in quality… Save yourself time: - Use site: search on Google: site:gov.uk site:org.uk site:parliament.uk advanced search…?
Google Scholar … Portsmouth Links
Add depth to your research Google Google Add depth to your research Books Books Journals & other scholarly sources Journals & other Scholarly sources Image Source
Ocean of information: Diving deeper into academic research Personal Communications (e.g. letters, emails) Social Media Newspapers Websites Magazines Audio-Visual Information Reference Sources (e.g. dictionaries, encyclopaedias) Trade and Professional Journal Articles Textbooks Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Conference Papers Underwater Scenery by Rafae|. Licensed by CC BY 2.0
Assessing Quality… …you are allowed to be critical! How might we assess the quality of a source? What criteria could we consider? CRAP test: Currency – up-to-date? Does it need to be? Reliability – reviewed? References? Officially published? Authority – who wrote it? Bias/qualifications? Purpose – why was this written? For whom? Relevancy Authority Accuracy
Why use journal articles? Advantages Include the latest research Up-to-date Cover very specific topics Quality checked during a peer review process List references used - good source for further research Read online - often off campus, any time Search for specific articles online Remember – who are they written by? Play the academic game…
BASICS: Finding Journal Articles in Discovery
Develop your Search Strategy… Analyse your topic Which keywords do you need to search on? Which information sources, why and where? Books | Websites | Journals | Market Research | Company Information Create your search… use advanced search options keywords, truncation and “phrase searches”: manag* finds managing/management/manage etc. “leadership styles” Guide to Applying a Search Strategy
MORE on Discovery
Managing your search results TIME SAVER! Set up your own account Save items and searches Export, cite and link to items
Which are the best journals? Include the latest research, up-to-date, cover very specific topics Quality checked during a peer review process Who’s citing who? Follow references forward/back for more sources Find on DISCOVERY and databases via the Library website/subject pages To find titles we subscribe to online: eJournals Publications search Which are the best? Academic Journal Guide from CABS Journal Citation Reports SCOPUS sources on business
Subject pages and databases
Industry and market information IBIS World comprehensive collection of Industry Market Research on very specific sectors. MarketLine Advantage up-to-date information on 30,000+ worldwide companies, 3,500 industry reports and over 110 country profiles Mintel detailed market research reports, including technology, media, food, drink and more… Passport market and socio-demographic data from countries round the world
Citation Searching Smith’s article 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ References ~~~~~~~ Porter’s article 2010 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ References ~~~~~~~ Weng’s article 2006 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ References ~~~~~~~ moving backwards in time * moving forwards in time The links below take you to guidance on cited reference searches for the following databases Web of Science Scopus Google Scholar
Citation Searches Find one good article… Web of Science/Scopus Refine Results Times Cited Related Records FullText Look Up Citation Alerts Very powerful tools!
BACK TO BASICS: Why Reference? Yes, to avoid accusations of plagiarism/cheating… … but there is more to it than this! Shows how much work you have done Shows the research you have consulted Attributes work to leading authors Shows you are using quality information sources But you must keep records as you go along! Consider using a Reference management tool ALWAYS CHECK YOUR REFERENCES https://library.port.ac.uk/reftools.html
RECAP: APA Referencing In-text references example: As Smith (2013, p. 45) has outlined, it is essential that students "reference with care" when writing their assignments. In particular, students must "quote their sources accurately" (Jones, 2009, p. 23) and this should all be done in accordance with the guidelines for the referencing style they must follow (White & Johnson, 2010). Full reference list example: Jones, D. (2009). The problem with quoting. Academic writing quarterly, 1(2), 23-29. Smith, P. (2013). Writing and referencing at university (2nd ed.). London: KB Publishing. White, A., & Johnson, D., (2010). Referencing style guides. London: KB Publishing.
Referencing@Portsmouth http://referencing.port.ac.uk Feeling lost? Search box searches whole of referencing site. Type in your source type and system here Additional help on in text citation. Use drop down menus in this panel to choose style and the type of source you are referencing. Still puzzled? Click on speech bubble or use Contact us on menu bar to ask a member of staff for help. Useful tips & basic principles. Guidance on which system to use.
Library staff are here to help you… Drop in or contact us for advice 24/7!
But there’s so much to remember! DON’T PANIC! Review these slides for time saver tips and places we’ve visited Always ask for help in person or online: library.port.ac.uk/help/ Each project will be different and may need different resources Use the approach that works best for you Catalogue – books and ebooks Discovery – peer-reviewed journal articles and more… Databases – extra sources for in-depth research Referencing@Portsmouth – help and support for APA KEYWORDS FILTERS SAVE RESULTS ALERTS REFERENCING
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