Universal Design for Learning Julia Bove, Network Leader CFN 602 Vanessa MacDonna, Instructional Coach, Special Education Reform/ELL Lead Nicholas Frangella, Math Achievement Coach
Universal Design for Learning… UDL framework Teacher Effectiveness Gen Ed ELL Response To Intervention Quality Review PBIS UBD DI SPEC ED How does UDL impact teacher effectiveness? Turn and talk to your shoulder partner Chart Responses. Provide Danielson framework to answer questions.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Minimizing barriers and maximizing opportunities for ALL learners Applying the idea of built-in flexibility to the educational curriculum. Supports access for all students to the General Education Curriculum as required by NCLB and IDEA More efficient than individual solutions Benefits more students and teachers The Maryland Down syndrome Advocacy Coalition (MDAC) is pleased to announce the passage of the Universal Design for Learning bill (HB 59/SB 467) in Annapolis. The UDL bill is now “enrolled” and is awaiting signature from the Governor. This bill, entitled “Task Force to Explore the Incorporation of the Principles of Universal Design for Learning into the Education Systems in Maryland,” is the first of its kind in the nation, reinforcing Maryland’s reputation as a progressive state that constantly strives for excellence in education. This bill will establish a statewide Task Force of stakeholders that will make recommendations related to UDL implementation in Maryland So now we’re moving from UD to UDL. Remember when we were talking about the flexibility of services on the continuum, UDL builds in flexibility at the planning stage without even knowing who you’re students are. The idea behind it is that you will reach more students and improve access to the curriculum in learning. UDL provides a blueprint for instruction, methods and materials. UDL is good for all students. It incorporates DI. One size does not fit all. Flexibility – you need a range of options that are adjusted for individual needs. UDL ensures multiple points of teaching and learning input and output that requires educators to consider students’ learning styles. One of the ways UDL accomplishes flexibility is through redundancy. Remember FAPE and LRE. How does UDL relate to them and the reform? You can say: Basically, in a nut shell, UDL is taking off in the entire nation. Maryland is the first State that passed a UDL Bill. Division of Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners (DSWDELL)
Quality Review and UDL Incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into task and curriculum design to ensure accessibility for all students Plan for professional learning opportunities to deepen understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Universal Design Origins in Architecture Division of Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners (DSWDELL)
Universal Design UDL is a framework for education that makes the curriculum accessible for all students by providing access to the information being taught and the assessments that measure what has been learned.
Guidelines and Checkpoints
David Rose and Guidelines http://www.udlcenter.org/resource_library/videos/udlcenter/udl
CCLS Language Standards 6 City Wide Expectations 2012-2013 Academic Vocabulary Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. CCLS Language Standards 6 City Wide Expectations 2012-2013 Grades 6-12
Academic Vocabulary General Academic Domain Specific Tier II Tier III Words or phrases that can be found across content areas i.e. imply Domain Specific Tier III Words specific to a content area or discipline i.e. Square root
Domain Specific/Content Area Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. (CCLS Language Standards 6 City Wide Expectations 2012-2013) Ready Gen 4th Grade text General Academic Domain Specific/Content Area
Activity Please read the 4th grade text Circle the general academic words (Tier II) Underline the domain specific words that you feel would be a barrier to the content for your students. (Tier III)
Math 1st Grade http://www.udlcenter.org/resource_library/videos/udlcenter/guidelines#video2 As you view the video, using your UDL Guidelines sheet identify the guidelines that are addressed in the lesson. Keep in mind: The demographics of the student body Strategic and purposeful grouping
6th Grade Science http://www.udlcenter.org/resource_library/videos/udlcenter/guidelines#video4 As you view the video, using your UDL Guidelines sheet identify the guidelines that are addressed in the lesson. How does the teacher remove a content based barrier? How does the teacher embed principle III (engagement) into her lesson?