Voiceover Crash Course for Orientation & Mobility Specialists
iMove Ariadne LookAround BlindSquare Heare Seeing Eye GPS
iPhone or iPod Touch or iPad iOS 8 What you need: iPhone or iPod Touch or iPad iOS 8 Sendero GPS LookAround (free on App Store) Your thinking caps
Turning Voiceover on and off Setting a shortcut What I will show you: Turning Voiceover on and off Setting a shortcut Navigating the home screen Changing the speech rate Typing modes Using the spotlight feature Navigating a simple GPS app (Sendero LookAround)
What I won’t show you: Surfing the web Reading an e-book Word processing
What if I miss something or we don’t get very far in this session? www.westcoastvisionpro.com/tutorials.html apple.com > support google
How this session might work: I show you a skill We try our darnedest to learn said skill I give you a quiz If you pass the quiz, you get to watch a short video of my six month old daughter laughing at bubble wrap.
Are you capable of mastering the art of Voiceover? Quiz 1: Are you capable of mastering the art of Voiceover? I don’t know maybe… heck yeah.
Voicover is found in the settings>general>_____ menu Quiz 2: Voicover is found in the settings>general>_____ menu whatchamacallit maybe… accessibility
Quiz 3: After you set a shortcut for voiceover, how fast should you press the home button three times? Slow like a snail fast maybe like a turkey in flight fast like a cheetah chasing an antelope fast
Quiz 4: When setting the speech rate, you first access this option through the__________menu. iTunes happy hour rotor
Which typing mode allows you to kick butt at Voiceover? Quiz 5: Which typing mode allows you to kick butt at Voiceover? standard typing touch typing direct touch typing all three, you choose
What is the spotlight feature good for? Quiz 6: What is the spotlight feature good for? absolutely nothing attracting you to the movies searching for stuff on a busy iPhone
Which one is NOT a feature of Quiz 7: Which one is NOT a feature of Sendero LookAround? Compass directions Finds addresses and phone numbers x-ray vision