Make it a Great Day! Tuesday, March 13th 2018 Opening Warm-up: What problems might come with negative growth? Work Session: Finish Partner Lesson 15 – Population Dilemmas in Europe Dilemma One (together): A Shrinking Population (229) & Responses to Negative Growth (230), Dilemma Two (with partner): An Aging Population (231), Responses to an Aging Population (232), Dilemma Three (with partner): A Declining Workforce (233), Responses to a Declining Workforce (234), Beginning to Think Globally & Global Connections (235-237). Begin Partner Lesson 18 – New Nation-States from the Old Soviet Empire: Will They Succeed? Introduction, Geographic Setting, GeoTerms Closing Cool-down: What problems are Italy, Spain, and Germany facing due to low/no/negative population growth? Essential Question: How do population trends affect a country’s future? What factors contribute to the success or failure of new nation-states? SSWG 4a 3a Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Partner Lesson 15 – Population Dilemmas in Europe Partner Lesson 18 – New Nation-States from the Old Soviet Empire: Will They Succeed? Textbook – pgs. 229-237 & 265-267