INCOSE Atlanta Chapter Monthly Meeting November 20, 2008 Simulation & Analysis Using SysML Experiences Applying SysML in an Excavator Testbed Russell Peak and Manas Bajaj Georgia Institute of Technology Product & Systems Lifecycle Management Center InterCAX LLC
Simulation & Analysis Using SysML Experiences Applying SysML in an Excavator Testbed INCOSE Atlanta Chapter Meeting November 2008 Abstract This talk overviews Phase 1 experiences and lessons learned from an excavator testbed that interconnects simulation models with associated diverse system models, design models, and manufacturing models. The goal is to enable advanced model-based systems engineering (MBSE) in particular and model-based X (MBX) [1] in general. Our method employs SysML as the primary technology to achieve multi-level multi-fidelity interoperability, while at the same time leveraging conventional modeling & simulation tools including mechanical CAD, factory CAD, spreadsheets, math solvers, finite element analysis (FEA), discrete event solvers, and optimization tools. This work is sponsored by several organizations including Deere and Lockheed and is part of the Modeling & Simulation Interoperability Team [2] in the INCOSE MBSE Challenge (with applications to mechatronics as an example domain). [1] The X in MBX includes engineering (MBE), manufacturing (MBM), and potentially other scopes and contexts such as model-based enterprises (MBE). [2] Citation Peak RS and Bajaj M (2008-11-20) Simulation & Analysis Using SysML—Experiences Applying SysML in an Excavator Testbed. Invited Talk, INCOSE Atlanta Chapter Meeting. Contacts, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, +1-404-894-7572,, InterCAX LLC, Atlanta, +1-404-894-4404,
Biosketches INCOSE Atlanta Chapter Meeting November 2008 Russell S. Peak, PhD is Associate Director and Senior Researcher in the Georgia Tech Product & Systems Lifecycle Management Center and R&D Director at InterCAX LLC. He specializes in knowledge-based methods for modeling & simulation, standards-based product lifecycle management (PLM) frameworks, and knowledge representations that enable complex system interoperability. Dr. Peak originated the multi-representation architecture (MRA)—a collection of patterns for CAD-CAE interoperability—and composable objects (COBs)—a non-causal object-oriented knowledge representation. This work provided a conceptual foundation for executable parametrics in SysML and for related technology being commercialized by InterCAX[1] in the Georgia Tech VentureLab program. After six years in industry (Bell Labs and Hitachi), he joined the research faculty at Georgia Tech. Since 1997 he has been principal investigator on 25+ projects with sponsors including Boeing, IBM, Lockheed, NASA, Rockwell Collins, Sandia, Shinko (Japan), TRW Automotive, US DoC (NIST) and DoD. He has authored over 80 publications (including several Best Paper awards), holds several patents, is an active member in ASME and INCOSE, and represents Georgia Tech on the OMG SysML task force. Manas Bajaj, PhD joined InterCAX full-time in December 2007 as a Senior Research Engineer, where he also worked as a part-time co-op from 2005-2007. He recently finished his PhD studies in Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech (Nov 2008). His industrial and research project experience spans over 7 years across several organizations—NIST, NASA, Rockwell Collins, IBM, Sandia, Lockheed Martin, and InterCAX in the USA; and Hindustan Shipyard Limited and Mazagaon Dock Limited in India. His research interests are in the realm of computer-aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE), next generation modeling and simulation methods, and open standards-based PLM frameworks. He has authored several publications, including those that won the Robert E. Fulton best paper award at ASME CIE 2005 and the session best paper award at Semicon West 2003. He serves as a technical team member at PDES Inc. representing Georgia Tech and InterCAX, and he is involved in the development and deployment of the OMG SysML specifications. [1] See regarding ParaMagic™ for solving SysML parametrics in MagicDraw™ and related technology.
Contents Part 1 — Overview by R. Peak Part 2 — Demo by M. Bajaj See same presentation as this one: Part 2 — Demo by M. Bajaj See Part 2 slides available here: