Conclusions: Parallel session 2, Group 2
Elements for assessments Happy with a notion of level of commonality Support idea of functional parts of ecosystem – representative species and habitats for each Need option of opt-out process, but it has to be transparent agreed process Need a review process for the lists, but aim for stability where possible Develop criteria for agreeing lists, e.g. to cover functional types and pressures -> RSC approaches
Criteria for biodiversity Harmonisation between MSFD-HBD: it is in principle possible to have one assessment Joint workshop was a good driver for discussions between different communities Identify which species and habitats from HBD – link to RSC indicators
Conclusions: Parallel session 3, Group 2
Aggregation rules Biodiversity/ecosystems OOAO it is not straight forward, needs further thought Need guidance per functional group, broad habitat type or descriptor on how to apply OOAO Prefer % of elements within group
Pressures/impacts Need to be clear on the relationship between pressure and impact Define per descriptor how to aggregate
Assessment scales one scale does not fit for all indicators, need system that address different scales Need to consider administrative and ecological boundaries, consider measures HELCOM – system in place OSPAR – proposal to MAQ UNEP-MAP – workshop