Spring 2018 Final Project Phil Tayco San Jose City College Slide version 1.0 Created Nov. 19, 2018
Programming Project Create a refrigerator management program The program has a main menu as follows: Set current date Add item Remove item Manage needs Items in the refrigerator are characterized as follows All items at least have a name, price paid, and a date put into the refrigerator Some items are perishable and expire after a specific date Some items are leftovers and are considered questionable to eat after a given number of days after put into the refrigerator You may have other attributes for an item that you want to use to help with the rest of the program
Programming Project For setting the current date, the user enters the date (month, day and year) to represent the current date of the system For adding an item, the user enters the name and price paid for the item. The system will assume the following: No need to check if an item exists in the system Whatever the current date is set for the system at the time the user adds the item, that is the date that represents when the item was put in the refrigerator Perishable items also need the expiration date Leftover items also need the number of days it will last in the refrigerator before it becomes questionable For removing an item, the user tells the system which item(s) to remove – you can design whatever you think is user friendly to do so
Programming Project For managing needs, the user shall receive the following sub menu of options Report spoiled items Manage “must have” items Generate grocery list For reporting spoiled items, the system goes through all the items in the refrigerator and lists out the items that are either expired or questionable to eat Expired items are perishable items where the current system date is after the item’s expiration date Questionable items are leftovers where the current system date is after the date the leftover was added to the refrigerator plus the number of days it can last before it becomes questionable Since each item has a price paid, this report should show the cost of each spoiled item and a total cost of all spoiled items
Programming Project For managing “must have”, items the user uses this function to maintain a list of items that represents what the user wants to always have in the refrigerator For generating a grocery list, the system goes through each of the “must have” items recorded and checks to see if it is in the refrigerator and if it is usable. Information good to know from this list is: If a “must have” item is already in the refrigerator, it would be good to know how many days it has left if it is perishable If a “must have” item is not in the refrigerator, the user should easily see which items he/she needs to get and how much it’s going to cost overall
Programming Project The requirements list is somewhat open-ended by design. You are free to design your classes and implement your main program as you like. Any questions should be asked sooner rather than later Programming requirements are to demonstrate all concepts discussed in class: Class design, use of composition, inheritance, polymorphism, and some level of error handling Program can and is encouraged to be developed in teams of at most, 2 people. Single individual development is acceptable, but requirements list does not change if you’re doing it by yourself Program is due for demonstration on the last day of class