YEAR 2 CHILDREN WITH ALIEN MASKS BRITANNIA NEWS Weekly Newsletter 15.02.2019 Issue 20 9 YEAR 2 CHILDREN WITH ALIEN MASKS SCHOOL NEWS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY YEAR 2 CLASS ASSEMBLY – By: Lola, Year 2 The assembly was really good. We all used our loud voices and sang along to Star Trekkin’. Well done everyone in Year 2. YEAR 6 SATs MEETING The Year 6 SATs meeting has been re-arranged for Tuesday 26th February at 3.25 p.m. We look forward to seeing you. GOLD BOOK ASSEMBLY Our next Gold Book Assembly will be on Friday 1st March 2019 at 2.45 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. HALLE TRIP On Tuesday 5th March children in Years 3, 4B and 4H are going to Bridgewater Hall in Manchester to watch and take part in ‘Halle for Youth’. This is a really exciting opportunity and to find out further information, please visit If you have not already done so, please log on to your ParentPay account to give permission/payment. Thank you to everyone who has already paid. WORLD BOOK DAY A reminder that for World Book Day on 7th March children may either dress as a character from a book of their choice or dress in pyjamas. During the day children will be making a book character from a potato. Please send a large potato (or more depending on the character) and a few craft materials. School will be open after school on Friday 8th where potato characters from all classes will be displayed. FEB 18th-22nd Half Term 25th School re-opens 26th Yr 6 SATs meeting MARCH 1st Gold Book Assembly 4th-6th Year 2 Bikeability 5th Halle Trip – Yrs 3 & 4 7th World Book Day/Year 2 Trip 8th Potato character display 14th Zoolab visit 19th Year 6 Leavers Assembly, 2.15 p.m. Year 4 Class Assembly/Year 3B & 3H Trip SPORTS NEWS PUPIL VOICE EXTRA-CURRICULAR On the first Monday back after half-term, Sportscool will be in school doing demos of Dodgeball for both KS1 and KS2. Please remember to return permission/payment as soon as possible if you would like your child to take part. Mon Newspaper Club Tues KS1 Computing Club Wed KS2 Computing Club Thurs KS2 Dodgeball/Choir (Yrs 4/5/6) Fri KS1 Dance By: Lucy and Leo, Year 6 On Thursday some children from Years 4, 5 and 6 went on a trip to the Lowry to see a performance of Billionaire Boy. It was fantastic as there were real actors! It was a good spin on the book and very enjoyable. Britannia CP School T: 01706 874447 E: W: