How do animals grow and change?
Life Cycle Every living thing has a life cycle. Every living thing changes as it gets older. Every living thing has a life cycle. Life cycles are different for different living things.
A plant has a life cycle...
Life Cycle of a Plant The Apple Tree 2. seedling 1. seed 5. Tree with Fruit 4. Tree with Flowers 3. Young Tree
All Animals have a Life Cycle Baby Growing Adult
A baby... Is hatched from an egg or born
An adult is a full grown ~animal / person ~plant An adult can start a new life
Some animals grow faster Than others! Elephants takes 20 years to become an adult Salamanders takes 3 months to become an adult
Some animals look just like their parents when they are just hatched or just born. Some animals have to grow a lot to look like their parents. Do these look alike?
How about these...?
Put in order Young to old
Did you get the order right? 1.) Eggs -babies 2.) Fry -growing 3.) Goldfish -adult
How is this animal’s life cycle different from the fish?
Answer! Goldfish are hatched from eggs Deer are born live and stay with their moms until they are adults for at least a year