LET'S EXPO..SE FOR OUR PLANET School Year 2014 /15
THE COLONIES The bees live in colonies such swarms or hives. Inside, during the period of maximum work are about 120,000 bees divided into three categories: - The queen - Workers - Drones DRONES QUEEN WORKERS
THE QUEEN The queen bee is the only insect that can lay eggs in the hive, is the mother of all the bees in the colony. It eats only royal jelly that does live up to five years! The queen bee does not stings ..... is too busy to make eggs, about 5.000 eggs a day.
THE WORKER The worker bee instead, is the one that does all the work beehive. It produces, collects five elements: Honey Pollen Royal jelly The propolis The wax And a sixth product that is the bee venom.
THE DRONES The drone is a male bee. We find it only in the spring, is much bigger than a worker bee, is FAT! Hairy, clumsy and very bumbling because it is also a slacker! Does not work, does not clean, it does not produce, does not even know eat alone you take from the worker bees. Not sting .... bored.
THE HONEY The honey comes from the nectar that bees collect from flowers. Is put into the bag and brought in the hive, where, beating wings, bees create a current of air that dries and turns it into honey. When the combs are all sealed the beekeeper removes the hive supers; Once the cells have been opened honeycomb is put into a centrifuge that "squeezes" the honey. But being very heavy falls to the bottom, while the wax rises to the surface being lightweight.
THE HONEY AND ITS PROPERTIES Honey deserves to get every day in our tables. Food energy and easily digestible, contains: enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals, antibiotic-like substances and substances that can promote growth processes. Honey exerts its benefits on various parts of the body: the respiratory tract (decongestant), muscles (increased resistance), the liver (detoxification), digestive system (stimulating and regulating), blood (anti-anemic action) . We recommend a constant consumption of 20-30 g / day in place of refined sugar, unless contraindicated (eg. Diabetes).
VARIOUS TYPES OF HONEY Lime honey: in case of nervous excitability, insomnia Thyme honey and eucalyptus: in case of respiratory infections Citrus honey: antispasmodic Rosemary honey: liver failure Chestnut honey: tonic and expectorant.
OUR TEACHING VISIT Class II C Students: Giusa Miriana Ipsale Andrea Papa Maria Pia