Please check purple folders and initial planners each night. Johnson and Jump Journal Week of September 10-14 a Please check purple folders and initial planners each night. Math Students will continue Unit 2 and will be learning about estimating sums and differences. Students will review Unit 2 on Wednesday and have a test on Unit 2 on Thursday. The students will have a facts quiz on Friday on subtraction facts. This test will go in the gradebook. Please practice subtraction facts at home. Science/Social Studies Reading Unit 1 week 5: EQ: How do landmarks help us understand our country’s story? Genre: expository text, Comprehension: ask and answer questions, main idea and key details, Vocabulary: multiple meaning words, Grammar: predicates, Writing: sentence fluency Vocabulary Words: carved, clues, grand, landmark, massive, monument, national, traces Spelling words: coast, float, toad, coal, soak, gold, sold, scold, slope, broke, note, bone, slow, show, foe Science – Students will be reading a blue print to build their standard vehicle. Social Studies-national landmarks, communities Dates to Remember *Progress reports go home 9/18 * Book report due October 1