Role of DER in the EU and current status in the Baltic States LITHUANIAN NATIONAL SEMINAR Role of DER in the EU and current status in the Baltic States INTRODUCTION – EU PROJECT SOLID-DER ON DER INTEGRATION IN THE EU ELECTRICITY SECTOR VACLOVAS MIŠKINIS VILNIUS, MARCH 6, 2007
Presentation plan Introduction; Definitions of distributed generation; General characteristics of SOLID-DER project; The main objectives of the project; Structure of the project; Major barriers for DER integration.
Power system in liberalized market
Power system with distributed generation
Presentation plan Introduction; Definitions of distributed generation; General characteristics of SOLID-DER project; The main objectives of the project; Structure of the project; Major barriers for DER integration.
Distributed Generation (DG) Many definitions have been proposed to describe power that comes elsewhere than from traditional large power plants feeding electricity into the networks; The integrated or stand alone small electricity generation sources; Installed within the distribution system or at a customer’s side; Intended to meet specific capacity or reliability needs; Applications that benefit the power system, specific end-user or both.
Distributed Generation (by technologies) High efficiency combined heat and power plants; Small gas turbines; Fuel cells; Technologies supplying small scale power and using renewable energy sources (biomass, hydro, geothermal plants, photovoltaic, wind power plants, etc.).
Other definitions Distributed Power, which means DG plus energy storage devices; Distributed Energy Resources, which means distributed power plus demand side measures; Decentralised Power – a broader concept which indicates power generation sources available in specific location, for instance off shore wind parks of any size and connected to transmission or distribution grid.
Presentation plan Introduction; Definitions of distributed generation; General characteristics of SOLID-DER project; The main objectives of the project; Structure of the project; Major barriers for DER integration.
General characteristics (1) 6 FP „A Coordinated Action towards the promotion and consolidation of all RTD activities for large-scale integration of DER in the electricity market“ 6 BP „Koordinavimo veikla, skirta skatinti ir stiprinti mokslinius tiriamuosius darbus, plačiai panaudojant paskirstytuosius energijos išteklius elektros rinkoje“
General characteristics (2) Duration – November 2005-October 2008; 17 research institutes and universities from 12 countries; Main objective – unite RTD activities within the EU-25 aiming at large scale integration of DER into the European electricity market.
Project consortium
Presentation plan Introduction; Definitions of distributed generation; General characteristics of SOLID-DER project; The main objectives of the project; Structure of the project; Major barriers for DER integration.
Key issues for DER integration Increase the common wide understanding of DER solutions by enhancing transparency and awareness of benefits to all stakeholders of DER integration; Explain and convince market players, technical & regulatory bodies and decision makers about benefits of DER solutions; Establish and consolidate wide DER integration R&D community by including particularly new MS stakeholders.
Specific objectives of the project Identification/monitoring and assessment of critical issues, developments, innovations and solutions; Legislation, regulation, market access and policy support; Benefits of new business models for DER integration; Breakthroughs in DER, network control and enabling technologies; Interconnections requirements, system solutions and interfaces, etc.
Dissemination of knowledge and experience To overcome great diversity in opinions; To bring stakeholders together and to enhance awareness of DER solutions; To examine of knowledge transfer in new Member States; To organize training/teaching of experts in the field of DER integration.
Presentation plan Introduction; Definitions of distributed generation; General characteristics of SOLID-DER project The main objectives of the project; Structure of the project; Major barriers for DER integration.
Changes of electricity production in Lithuania (1)
SOLID-DER work plan for first 18 months
Evaluation phases of R&D results
Presentation plan Introduction; Definitions of distributed generation; General characteristics of SOLID-DER project; The main objectives of the project; Structure of the project; Major barriers for DER integration.
Major barriers Lengthy and complicated administrative procedures for investors in DER power plants; Dominant position of DSOs in negotiating network access and non-transparent connection procedures; Unstable support mechanisms which causes difficulties for long-term planning of projects; Lack of knowledge about advantages of DER.
SOLID-DER project schedule