Read Across America Day Agenda for Friday, 3/1 Today is Dr. Seuss’s birthday and school across America are celebrating their love of books and reading. In honor of this day, you have been allowed to wear PJs to school. I thought I would share one of my favorite books with you today. These are the same books I read at night with my son, Jake. We are blessed to be able to read. We are blessed to have access to books. We are blessed to have libraries in this country where reading is free and a privilege for ALL of us. Do you take advantage of that freedom?
Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax Caring About Our Environment Today you will be watching Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax. Please use the paper you’ve been given to write down all environmental issues you see/notice during the movie. Then, compile a common list of environmental issues that you are aware of. (You may also want to do some research outside of class.) If we have time, we will discuss your lists with your classmates. Homework/Classwork: Pick of the areas that you have on your list (an environmental problem) and develop a solution that is acceptable to both industry (and environment) in the video. Your presentation of solution can be in the form of a PowerPoint, newsletter, public awareness announcement, newscast (write the dialogue and you could even video tap yourself), or brochure. You may be asked to present your solutions to the class.
EXTRA STUFF… Students who finish early can design proposals for community awareness. They could prepare a debate for and against both the environmentalists and the industry to be presented to the class. Student can also assist other students with research or solution design (with teacher permission).