Welcome to Primary 5 By Miss Shucksmith.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Primary 5 By Miss Shucksmith

Who is who? Miss Shucksmith will be the Primary 5 class teacher for this year Mr. Robson will teach Primary 5 during non-contact time Mrs. Wise and Mrs. Gage will support some children, individually and in small groups, on areas of the curriculum where they would benefit from extra help Mrs. Rosenberg and Sosh Greenberg will be teaching the class for Ivrit and Kodesh Mr. Fry – teaching PE for two of our weekly periods of PE

What we are working on… Maths and Numeracy – Place Value, Measure and Mental Maths Language – reading, writing, talking and listening, and French Health and Wellbeing – PE, mental, physical and emotional health Expressive Arts – art and design, music and drama Social Sciences – The Scottish Wars of Independence and the Rights of the Child Science – Living and Non-Living Things and The Water Cycle Technologies Kodesh and Ivrit

School Uniform School Uniform: Grey trousers or skirt White shirt with our school tie Blue sweatshirt or  blue or grey knitwear Black school shoes (not trainers) All Jewish boys are encouraged to wear a kippah, particularly for Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday mornings. Please ensure that all articles of uniform are named! Gym Kit: Dark shorts or tracksuit bottoms School polo-shirt or a plain white t-shirt Trainers or sandshoes No jewellery – earrings should be removed on gym days or taped over School sweatshirts, polo shirts, fleeces and P.E. kit can be purchased through the school office.

Homework Homework will be sent home once a week – usually on a Monday, unless there is a holiday It should be completed and handed back in before the following Monday Homework will be written in homework diaries by children, and will be found in the coloured homework folder Homework will also be put up on the Class Blog on a weekly basis It will usually include: Spelling words, to Look Cover Write Say Check Sentences written for some of the spelling words A spelling grid activity Maths activity linked to class maths inputs – often on Education City If you would rather your child did not complete homework for any reason, please let me know.

Communication Any letters, diaries or other communication to parents will be contained in a clear plastic communication folder, which are sent home nightly If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to write me a letter or pop a note in homework diaries Have a quick word with me at the end of the day when children are leaving school Contact the office – they can pass a message to me, or arrange for us to have a longer appointment Parents’ Evening Keep checking the Class Blog – I will put information up on there regularly

Behaviour Class Dojo - Parental permission - Can give individual and group points - Children decide on rewards Table Points Currently using instead of Dojo Prizes for table with most points at the end of every day! House Points Weekly Awards Awarded by the teacher on a weekly basis Presented at assembly

Our timetable Our timetable is not set in stone and may change, e.g. if we are on holiday when we would normally have PE, we may try and fit this in on another day so that children are not missing out PE days will USUALLY be on a Monday and a Tuesday so please pack PE kit on these days Children will have seven periods of maths and numberacy Children will have seven periods of language and literacy Children will have Kodesh and Ivrit for two periods each every week We will have access to the art space, science lab, music and drama studios on a bi- weekly basis

Self and peer assessment As well as me assessing the children, we encourage them to assess themselves. Each lesson or group of lessons has a Learning Intention e.g. We are learning to write a recount. The children will then be supported to suggest the steps, or ‘Success Criteria’, that they need to achieve to be successful in that lesson. At the end of each lesson, the children ‘traffic light’ the success criteria that they think they have achieved, and when I mark it, I do the same.

How can you help? Support with homework and spelling activities, revisiting spellings over the week. Listen to your child read, and read with them. Let us know if there are any significant changes at home. Medication- please inform me or the office. Encourage your child to be independent – taking responsibility for packing their own PE kit, looking after their own uniform, water bottle etc.

Thank you for visiting primary 5!