Newton’s 3rd law
What is it? 1st law Something only changes based on the force you exert on it 3rd law That force you exert also produces a reaction force Equal in size, but act in opposite directions Eg swimming in water There are always equal forces, but not always equal effects
Summary 4 main ideas Forces occur in pairs made up of an action force and a reaction force Action and reaction forces are equal in size, but opposite in direction Action and reaction forces act on different objects Equal forces acting on different objects may have different effects
Momentum Objects moving in a straight line can be measured Momentum=mass X velocity Measured in kg*m/s Objects with more mass have more momentum Imagine a bowling ball rolling towards bowling pins with a mass of 6 kg and moving at 10 m/s Ostrich has amass of 135 kg and running with a velocity of 16.2 m/s
Law of conservation of momentum Total amount of momentum in a system is conserved System Group of objects that do not lose mass or energy Eg a pool table Hitting the white ball gives it momentum The white ball hitting another ball transfers some of that momentum into it