Remind101 Mike Lawler
What is Remind101? Remind101 is a free app for teachers to use to connect with students and their parents outside of school. Students and parents opt-in by subscribing to via a unique class code. It is safe by keeping all numbers private. It’s efficient by allowing teachers to sending messages and attachments directly to students/parents phone. Teachers can access message history to ensure proper communication. Teachers can separate class by class conversations.
Why’s it needed? Gym class for students is a time that is supposed to provide students with physical exercise. It develops fine motor skills and builds confidence. Unfortunately, it has become a class where students hang out. There is a lack of communication between student/teacher, parent/teacher and student/parent.
How can it benefit? Allows teachers to send out texts via app to students/parents. Can inform parents of upcoming activities. Gives students reminders to prepare the same way for other classes. Allows teachers to take more responsibility over students. Holds students accountable for success/failure. Students/parents can give feedback by sending stamps.
Conclusion Remind101 can provide clear communication among teachers and students. Can hold students accountable for upcoming events. It is free and easy to download and get hooked into. It can create a desire to succeed in gym class. Allows parents to be involved with students health and activity. It can better relationship among students and teachers.