Is based primarily on instinct and emotion Color Meaning Is based primarily on instinct and emotion
Throughout history color schemes Defined different feelings Symbolized seasons Been used in ceremonies Example: Native American used different colored paints to inspire desire/ aspirations and increased appetites In Chinese culture red represents luck and prosperity The way we feel about color can often be attributed to our subconscious and history. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Red Passion Drama Love Anger Universally known to signify danger, courage, strength, and power
Orange Encouragement Excitement Warmth Enthusiasm Orange is a motivating and encouraging color and associated with good health Negative connotations include insincerity and self indulgence Orange
Yellow Hopefulness Youthful Fresh energy Color of sunshine which is uplifting Yellow can induce anxiety or over-critical
Pink Sensitivity Tranquility Pink is associated with nurturing and a sense of safety Negative side: “ Seeing the world through rose colored glasses” means not being realistic
Blue The color of trust The shade of the sea and sky is thought to induce calm and peace Blue is know to inspire the feelings of trust and loyalty Suppress the appetite because there are not many foods associated with blue in nature
Also associated with royalty and luxury Violet Spirituality Self awareness Sensitive Also associated with royalty and luxury This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Black The color of mystery Black signifies both sides of the emotional spectrum Strong, refined and elegant, and confident Secretive, scary and lack of hope
Green Associated with nature Renewal and life Peaceful color restful and secure feeling Negatively perceived as materialistic and possessive This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Brown Relates to things that are natural and simple The color of earth Dull, reliable, wholesome Warm and reassuring, honesty and sincerity Least favorite color
Connection to The Giver Were our answers consistent with each others? Why do certain colors inspire negative emotions while others inspire positive emotions? What was the first color Jonas saw? Why were colors given up when differences were ended at the time the community went to Sameness? Connection to The Giver
Color Poem We are going to create a color poem Complete a poetry pattern template or create a poem using the pattern that you used during Harold Green assembly ( abab pattern) We are going to mail these poems to Harold Green with our thank you card (REMEMBER WHAT HE SAID… Poetry is a work in progress)