Grade 1o Vocab Unit 7 Adherent – Vex 20 WORDS.


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Presentation transcript:

Grade 1o Vocab Unit 7 Adherent – Vex 20 WORDS

Word: Adherent Definition: follower, supporter Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Jen is a strong adherent of organizations that advocate for social justice.

Word: Apocryphal Definition: fictitious, of doubtful authenticity Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: I didn’t believe Greg’s apocryphal excuse for not doing his homework; it did not seem plausible and he had a history of making up stories.

Word: Benevolent Definition: generous Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Carl is a very benevolent person; he always donates money to charity.

Word: Circumspect Definition: cautious Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The circumspect mother did not let her children go near the swimming pool unless both she and a lifeguard were watching them.

Countenance Definition: face Part of Speech: noun Sentence: It is easy to tell how Kyle feels because he wears his emotions on his countenance.

Word: Disdain Definition: scorn, disrespect Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The teacher had a look of disdain on his face when he saw the student cheating.

Word: Exhaustive Definition: thorough, complete Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: After an exhaustive search, my sister and I finally found our lost guinea pigs in a picnic basket in the garage.

Word: Heresy Definition: a belief that goes against accepted ways Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Galileo was tried for the heresy of suggesting that the sun did not revolve around the earth.

Word: Infinitesimal Definition: very, very small Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Grains of sand are infinitesimal.

Word: Manifesto Definition: declaration of beliefs Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Karl Marx’s ideas were used to put together the Communist Manifesto, which detailed the main principles of communism.

Word: Meager Definition: lacking, inadequate Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The meager amount rain led many plants to die of dehydration.

Word: Officious Definition: annoyingly eager to help Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Many times my neighbor’s officious advice is unsolicited. Often at family gatherings, there are too many officious relatives in the kitchen.

Word: PLACATE Definition: to appease/soothe Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The only way to placate the crying baby was to give her the pacifier.

Word: Protract Definition: to prolong Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The commencement speaker promised not to protract his remarks, but then he spoke for two solid hours. The professor gave such a long, drawn-out, protracted explanation of the book that people started to fall asleep.

Word: Renounce Definition: to give up/resign/disown Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The father renounced his child when he told him he dropped out of school. The mayor would not renounce his title even when a scandal regarding him unfolded.

Word: Sordid Definition: involving dishonorable actions Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Some politicians, such as Eliot Spitzer and John Edwards, have sordid pasts that involve cheating scandals.

Word: Surreptitious Definition: secretive Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: My sister and I used to surreptitiously spy on our parents when they had people over using our walkie-talkies.

Word: Terse Definition: short, using no unnecessary words Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: I knew she was mad at me by her terse, one-word responses to me.

Word: Vestige Definition: remaining part of something Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: After the building was knocked down, only vestiges of the old structure remained.

Word: Vex Definition: to annoy, to confuse Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: James’s job constantly vexes him and his continuous aggravation puts him in a bad mood.