Simplifying the RNZCGP Quality Programme Bernadette Cornor Project Director, CORNERSTONE® simplification project
Welcome and Housekeeping You should be able to hear us speaking. If you can’t hear us: click ‘Join Audio’ (bottom-left of your screen). Welcome to attendees My name is Kate Wang, I’m the General Manager – Quality at the College. It’s a pleasure to welcome you to our fourth quality webinar, which is looking at simplification of the College quality programme, including both the Foundation Standard and Cornerstone
Accessing the Q&A You’re welcome to ask a question at any time Want to ask a question? Click ‘Q&A’ (bottom-middle) and type in your question You’re welcome to ask a question at any time. You’ll need to use the Q&A system. To open that, you’ll see a button called ‘Q&A’ when you move your mouse towards the bottom of the screen. Simply click that button. That will open a window called ‘Q&A’ – just type out your question here and we’ll answer them.
Our Webinars For each webinar we’ll put resources online, including these slides, a video, and discussion documents. Find these resources on our website Give us your feedback: we’ll send you a survey afterwards. Overview of webinar series Why are we holding this webinar? We want your feedback on the Quality programme simplification
Bernadette Cornor Project Director, Quality Programme Simplification Kate Bernadette has been at the College since early 2015, initially in the communications team and more recently as the governance advisor to the College Board and Chief Executive. Prior to retraining in public relations, Bernadette was a quality consultant at KPMG, and a quality assurance manager at NZ Rail and Wellington International Airport Ltd. Bernadette is currently the director of the project to simplify the College’s quality programme.
What the project’s about The way general practice operates has changed significantly since CORNERSTONE® was created – it’s no longer fit-for-purpose Practices are dissatisfied with it, describing the programme as “repetitive, expensive and stressful”
What do we want to achieve? A simplified quality programme for general practice A foundation or core standard as the quality assurance standard for all general practices in New Zealand An advanced standard comprising foundation requirements, quality improvement and a suite of practice-chosen modules for certain services, eg: teaching registrars A clear difference between Foundation and CORNERSTONE®
How are we doing this? Quickly! We’re conducting 4 design cycles and consultation phases to develop and test ideas with GPs, practices and stakeholders The draft proposal to simplify the College’s quality programme goes to the College Board on 5 December 2018 New standard and programme implemented from 1 April 2019
…and after
What we’ve learned Feedback from the first 2 consultation rounds told us: All poll respondents unanimously support a minimum quality standard for general practice (Foundation standard) There is high support for retiring the Annual Programme for CORNERSTONE® practices Introducing modules for CORNERSTONE® is popular But… show us the detail
What we’ve proposed
What you’ve told us Most of the comments were positive, eg “better than existing” and “practical and clear” We also received questions to answer and comments on criteria for the team to reconsider The questions included: What’s open disclosure? Building Code requirements about toilets and parking Why not summarise legislation in the standard?
More questions Is doing the Patient Experience Survey enough to meet the requirement to survey patients? Can clinical activities required by DHBs, PHOs, the Ministry be counted as quality improvement, eg: diabetes, CVD risk assessments to have bloods within 9 months etc? Can quality improvement done as part of Safety in Practice, Whakakotahi or PHO quality plans be counted for CORNERSTONE®?
What we need to reconsider One reviewer noted that if you count all the ‘must do’ bullet points – there are more requirements than before. We’ll definitely take a closer look at that! What is the intent of Foundation vs CORNERSTONE®? Minimum vs excellence, or something else?
What happens next The design team meets for the last time next week It will use your comments to review what we’ve done so far and to create more CORNERSTONE® modules for comment Create a proposal for assessing the new standard, including length of accreditation period (3 vs 4 yrs) I’m visiting PHOs and College Faculties to listen to more ideas about simplifying the programme – practice staff are welcome to come along to the Faculty meetings
Answering your questions
Thank you Please complete our feedback survey this afternoon. We’ll send you the summary and these slides soon! Conclusion I’m afraid we’ve run out of time for questions, so thank you very much for attending. I hope you found today useful and valuable. We’re very keen on hearing your feedback on today’s webinar. Please check your email later today for a survey, and take the time to fill it in. Hopefully you’ll join us in the future for another webinar!