Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco NEW ME – SMOKE FREE! PACT Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco
Outline Session #1 Program format and goals Group introductions Group expectations and behaviour Overview of program topics Questions Registration forms PACT - MHG
General Program Format Slide presentations Exercise break Questions and discussion Guest speakers 6-8 weeks, 1.25 hours each week This is an outline of the general format for the sessions – guest speakers may or may not be involved for some sessions, depending on the time available and the interests of the group. Number of sessions and length of each can be adjusted accordingly. PACT - MHG
Program Goals Information for positive, balanced lifestyle Increase skills and confidence to make healthy choices Exercise, relaxation, nutrition, positive thinking Environment – personal and community Reduce or quit tobacco use Share information, develop support system This slide is a summary of the goals noted in the opening session outline. This slide is meant as a quick recap. PACT - MHG
Group Expectations Write group ideas on flipchart or on slide use flipchart or add points to the slide during discussion - post or show each week for review – perhaps ask a group member to read out loud at the beginning of each session Weekly review may seem repetitive but attendance can vary so review is helpful. ask for ideas from participants - be sure the following are covered – suggest to group as a question: what about…? - Be on time - Participate in discussion as feels comfortable – can choose to just listen - Only one person speaks at a time – do not interrupt or monopolize the discussion, let others have a turn to share - Listen quietly and with respect – do not make fun of other people, opinions, or concerns - Encourage and support each other - No arguing, fighting, physical touching - Be calm, breathe deeply. Take a break if you need one – let the group leader know you are leaving - Group discussion is confidential – do not discuss with anyone outside the group – do not gossip about group members or anything that was shared in the group PACT - MHG
Group Introductions Share your name and why you joined the group What do you hope to learn? PACT - MHG
More ideas for learning …. Solicit more ideas about what attendees want to learn – enter directly onto slide for future reference PACT - MHG
Wiggle Break!! Each session has a stretch break – helps with attention span lead a few easy/gentle standing and/or sitting exercises – make it fun, ok to be silly, have a few laughs encourage participants to do these at home when watching tv, etc PACT - MHG
Who should attend? ANYONE! Ready to reduce or quit tobacco use Not sure if want to reduce or quit Do not want to reduce or quit Do not use tobacco but want to learn about process ANYONE! PACT - MHG
Program topics Why we smoke Why nicotine is addicting How tobacco impacts mental health patients Why smoking is harmful Fear of reducing or quitting Example - weight gain, fear of failure Benefits of quitting …… Highlight the various topics that will be covered over the 6-8 weeks. If a presenter is available, one week might be dedicated to TAR Consider inviting a guest speaker for a short (30 minutes?) presentation on some of the topics – ie, nutrition, stress management/relaxation, exercise. PACT - MHG
…Program topics Withdrawal symptoms and triggers Strategies to manage Preparing to reduce or quit Motivation - stress management Medications Non-prescription and prescription Nutrition Tips to increase success On-going support PACT - MHG
Questions? PACT - MHG
Forms Program registration Consent form Tobacco/health history Fagerstrom/Why Registration and consent forms enable: - de-identified research - billing by the presenter’s pharmacy to a fund which is administered by the drug plan - the program is NOT “free” – there is a cost, but the participants do not pay that cost - the money is a pharmacy fund, not government funds - advise doctors/dentists re quit attempt, encourage their support - some medication doses may need to be adjusted, pharmacist will discuss with prescriber for those who quit or significantly reduce use – pharmacist may check provincial drug records (PIP) Forms take a fair amount of time, most participants will need assistance to complete. Helpful to have a second person available for this part of the process. PACT - MHG
Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco NEW ME – SMOKE FREE! PACT Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco Remind re time/place/topic for next session PACT - MHG