PEAK 404 Exercise Physiology The Big Picture
What Are We? Humans Mobile tube within a tube. Mobile bag of chemicals. Able to keep the good stuff in and the bad stuff out.
What Are We? Humans Built for survival in the wild. Need energy (get it from the sun). Make almost everything else. Recycling center !!
To Survive…… We must move. When we don’t move Save energy by absorbing (recycling) unnecessary tissue (material). Become weak and frail. Become good at not moving (adaptations) Not likely to survive very long (suffer then die)
To Survive…… We must move. When we do move It requires extra energy, but…. Become stronger. Become better at moving (adaptations) Likely to survive (defeat, overcome, endure)
The Human Today* Western Society Example: “The Garden Variety Human” Daily routine Conveniences Starving? Moving? Dying?
Affective Point of View View life as a continuum. Birth Death Quantity of Life Happiness Pain and Suffering Quality of Life
Life Regular movement is no guarantee of maximum quantity or quality. Regular movement has the potential to maximize both.
Death Premature? Preceded by suffering? Impacts more than just one person.
Top 10 Causes of Death 1900 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
Top 10 Causes of Death 1998 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Let’s Compare 1900 1998
What Has Lead to These Changes? Lifestyle of Convenience Why move when something else can move for you? Poor Nutritional Choices Calorie rich but nutrient poor. Medical Model of Health “We’ve got a pill for that.”
How Many Are Lifestyle Related?
Other Lists
What has changed? Years past Now Active life Communicable diseases Inactive life Few communicable diseases (meds for all) Lifestyle diseases
Do People Know What it Takes to be Healthy? Grandma says….. Walking the dog….. Neighbor walking to school…. Cycling on the bike trail…..
Conclusions What do we know? People want good health. People know what it takes to be healthy. People are not willing to invest the energy or time to maintain health. Life is too good – too easy. Value is placed on convenience not effort.
Conclusions How Do We Know This My neighbor Walking the dog Obesity Trends Fitness Industry Places Products / ads Publications
New Diets
What is Your Role? Know what movement does. Value what movement does. Study Value what movement does. Your Lifestyle Show what movement does. Be an example Be a teacher/ facilitator/ motivator
What is Your Role? You have the potential to affect the whole person….
Wellness Global Wellness – The Whole Person Physical* Psychological Spiritual Environmental Intellectual Social
Performance You have the potential to affect a person’s function…..
Performance Citius, Altius, Fortius Sport ADLs Work Rehab
Performance Limits of maximal function Anthropometric Technique Equipment Physiologic function
Performance Overcome limits Anthropometric Pick the right parents Choose proper nutrition Increase or decrease mass
Performance Overcome limits Technique Improve technique
Performance Overcome limits Equipment Buy or design better equipment
Performance Overcome limits Physiologic function Stimulus leads to response (training) Consistent stim/response cycle - adaptation Train to increase strength and speed Train to increase endurance Train to increase speed and endure discomfort