A protective device worn over mouth and nose to prevent you from breathing in airborne pathogens or dangerous chemicals
Respirator Fit Check
A quick check of the respirator by the user to ensure a proper seal A quick check of the respirator by the user to ensure a proper seal. The user will blow out air from the mouth and feel with the hands for leaks of air.
Respirator Fit Test
A formal fitting of a respirator to your face performed annually A formal fitting of a respirator to your face performed annually. It includes medical questions and tests how well the respirator fits to your face.
Using chemicals to kill pathogens on environmental surfaces
Removing visible dirt or dust from objects or surfaces by hand or machine. Usually involves adding detergent or enzymatic products to water.
High-Touch Areas
Surfaces in a hospital room that are most often touched, such as bed rails, doorknobs, and remote controls. Touched often, and by many people, they are more likely to have pathogens.
Isolation Precautions
Guidelines created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that list the types of personal protective equipment (PPE) you should wear in rooms when patients have certain infections
Personal Protective Equipment
Protective gear designed to protect the EVS technician from splashes and harmful microorganisms when worn. Examples: gloves, gowns and masks.
Name three dangers against which EVS technicians should protect themselves.
Sharp objects in waste cans that might cut your hand Pathogens (germs) Chemicals that can hurt eyes or skin if splashed while cleaning
Name the types of PPE EVS Technicians can use
Gloves Gown/apron Mask/face shield • Respirators
In what order should the EVS Technician don PPE?
First perform hand hygiene. Next put on gown. Then put on mask/face shield. Last put on gloves.
In what order should the EVS Technician doff PPE?
First take off gloves. Then take off gown. Next take off mask/respirator. Last do hand hygiene.
When should the EVS Technician use PPE?
Wear PPE when diluting chemical disinfectants Wear PPE when cleaning blood or body fluid spill Wear PPE when cleaning isolation rooms Wear PPE when cleaning special rooms like OR and Pharmacy