Status of the EUMETSAT GSICS DCC product S. Wagner, T. Hewison
Status of the GSICS VIS/NIR product GSICS DCC Calibration System v1.1.0 deployed on the EUMETSAT operational system for instrument monitoring Deseasonalisation + “de-saturation” of the signal in place see EUMETSAT ATBD for the GSICS DCC implementation (available on the GSICS Wiki) Available GSICS VIS/NIR products: Meteosat-8 SEVIRI VIS0.6 started early October 2016 for IODC Meteosat-10 SEVIRI VIS0.6 Meteosat-9 SEVIRI VIS0.6 dataset available offline Products in Demonstration Phase
Results – Meteosat-9 VIS0.6 After deployment in the OPE monitoring system Need for reprocessing Correction of the VIS0.6 w.r.t. Aqua MODIS in agreement with the feedback from cloud community
Preliminary results – Meteosat-10 VIS0.6 SEVIRI Solar Channel Calibration system GSICS VNIR product
Preliminary results – Meteosat-10 VIS0.6 SEVIRI Solar Channel Calibration system GSICS VNIR product Preliminary results Consistent drift estimates Uncertainties almost 5 times smaller Observed bias is to be investigated as it is larger than expected…
Preliminary results – Meteosat-8 VIS0.6 Results need to be analysed Discrepancies between the two different drift estimates Observed bias is to be investigated as it is larger than expected
Preliminary results – Meteosat-8 VIS0.6 Investigation will look at: Deseasonalisation (Wrong factors? Residual? Needed at all?) References values for MODIS (current results obtained for IOCD ≠ ZDS) SSCC results also require more analysis GSICS VNIR product Behaviour after move over IODC seems to be different from the ZDS also for SSCC SEVIRI Solar Channel Calibration system
Where to get the GSICS VNIR products? NetCDF format Follows GSICS standards (based on WMO standards + CF conventions) Updated once per day (Near Real Time + Re-Analysis) A product user’s manual in preparation EUMETSAT ATBD available For NRT + RA see
GSICS VNIR product Currently one unique file for more methods Global attributes describe the dataset + its limitations + its origins (traceability, in particular to the version of the datasets used for the processing [reference + monitored instrument]) Dimensions: 1 record per file for Near-Real-Time products Full time series to date for Re-Analysis products Individual method results are all available “Blend” = one additional method Variables: central_wavelength = 0.000635 ; channel_name = "VIS06" ; date = time_0…N; method_name = "DCC“, "BLEND" ; mon_official_offset = Level 1.5 offset_time_0…N; mon_official_slope = Level 1.5 slope_time_0…N; mon_offset = method_1_offset_time_0…N, … , method_M_offset_time_0…N; mon_slope = method_1_slope_time_0…N, … , method_M_slope_time_0…N ; validity_period = start_time_0…N, end_time_0…N; weight_method = weight_method_1_time_0…N, … , weight_method_M_time_0…N;
Future activities / developments Collecting user requirements (i.e marine application group study on deriving water turbidity using SEVIRI data) Use VIIRS as a new reference in order to process all reflective solar bands available on SEVIRI Uncertainty analysis still to be done. Continue through the various steps of the GPPA. Reprocess the data for the various SEVIRI instruments to provide complete GSICS VNIR datasets to the user community Support EUMETSAT activities on climate to apply DCC algorithm to support re-calibration of Meteosat First Generation archive Development of an algorithm for inter-calibration using the Moon as a transfer target next candidate to add to the GSICS VIS/NIR product.
General concept for the GSICS VIS/NIR products Data extraction DCC Data extraction Lunar Cal … Data input – Ground segment Data reader + blend processor Intermediate data Data processing Lunar Cal GSICS VIS/NIR product Moon GSICS DCC product Intermediate products GSICS Lunar product EUMETSAT GSICS data server Planned for end 2017
Conclusion The EUMETSAT GSICS product for VNIR bands has been extended to Meteosat-8 and Meteosat-10 Current products need to be analysed and consolidated For full disc missions, products available on the EUMETSAT GSICS server Need to collect feedbacks from the user community! In 2017, inter-calibration using the Moon as a transfer target Next candidate to add to the GSICS VIS/NIR product Need to address the question of the blend… aside GSICS, implementation of the DCC as a vicarious calibration target in the EUMETSAT vicarious calibration system
Thank you
Modelling seasonality… Residual seasonality Seasonal model ok