WHAT IS THE KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS AWARD? The Kentucky Bluegrass Award (KBA) is a student choice book award program. The purpose of the KBA is to encourage Kentucky Preschool-grade 12 students to read a variety of quality literature suitable for their age and reading abilities. Amanda
STATE BOOK AWARDS - NOT JUST A KY THING… Many other states have their own student choice book award programs. You may have heard of the Texas Bluebonnet or the Illinois Bluestem award. A list of links to many state awards can be found here. Amanda
HOW DOES THE KBA PROGRAM WORK? Each year, KBA committees for each grade category choose the books for the five Master Lists Preschool (Back for 2017-2018)! K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 Students read books from the appropriate Master Lists and choose their favorite. Amanda
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? All Kentucky public and private schools, as well as public libraries Students in grades Preschool-12 read and rate books. Each location determines the process they will use. Master Lists are created by committees composed of school, public, university, and retired librarians and public and private school teachers. Schools, libraries, bookstores, groups and individuals can help promote the program and help students participate in this program. Becky Consider starting a book club that reads KBA titles and partnering with ELA teachers to promote the year’s books.
The sun has set, the day has ended, but the night hasn’t quite arrived yet. This magical twilight is known as the blue hour. Everything in nature--sky, water, flowers, birds, foxes--comes together in a symphony of blue to celebrate the merging of night and day.
September Not satisfied with his green frosting and little hat, a cookie shaped like a dinosaur demands to be redecorated.
Little i goes on an epic adventure to find his dot that has fallen off and rolled away.
Mama Lion,, Tigey, the Flying Pandinis, and the Knitted Monkeys compete in a road race, and when the Pandinis stop to help Mama Lion, she is happy to return the favor.
Born deep in the ocean, Kelp is not like the other narwhals and one day, when he spies a creature on land that looks like him, he learns why.
A Bunny and Dog live next to each other, but never say hello to one another until one night they see a shooting star at the same time.
A colorful jungle of animals depicts the circle of life.
Gobbled by a snake, a crafty boy finds a way out of his predicament by encouraging the snake to eat an increasing number of animals. Trickster Tale. Little Old Lady That Swallowed a Fly variant.
An owl and a bat family endeavor to share living spaces on the same tree branch, where initial wariness is overcome bythe curiosity of the families’ babies on a wild and stormy night that compels them to set aside their apprehensions.
When a curious cat asks the question, “Whose moon is that When a curious cat asks the question, “Whose moon is that?,” a panoply of animals try to stake their claim. The wolf, the owl, and the starry sky all have their reasons, but the moon ultimately answers for herself--her light is meant to be shared by everyone.