Remember to switch to View/Outline View for easy editing of all slides Remember to switch to View/Outline View for easy editing of all slides. If you type in the outline pane, you may use Tab or Shift+Tab to increase or decrease indents, add additional bullets and correct text without having to be in the slide itself. If you use Shift+tab all the way back to the left margin, you get a new slide! Try it! Switch back to View/Normal to allow for drag and drop to rearrange slides.
Title Goes Here Bullet Item Sub Bullet (hit Tab or Shift+Tab to increase or decrease indents) Remember to switch to View/Outline View for easy editing of all slides. If you type in the outline pane, you may use Tab or Shift+Tab to increase or decrease indents, add additional bullets and correct text without having to be in the slide itself. If you use Shift+tab all the way back to the left margin, you get a new slide! Try it! Switch back to View/Normal to allow for drag and drop to rearrange slides.
TECHSHOW 2019: February 27 – March 2, 2019 YOU play the most important part in keeping TECHSHOW exciting. Please complete the Speaker evaluation before you leave. Reserve the dates! TECHSHOW 2019: February 27 – March 2, 2019 Mandatory last slide. Please do not delete