Mrs. Jensen’s Weekly News Important Dates Mrs. Jensen Sept. 10th – School Pictures Sept. 19th – Dismissal at 1:20 What are we learning? We had a great first week of school! I can already tell that we are going to have an awesome class! It was really nice to meet most of you at Open House. I look forward to getting to know you this year! These are some of the things we did: We read several Pete the Cat stories this week. Pete was at school and we tried to find him but we never did. However, we did get to tour the school while we were looking for him We spent time learning the procedures of school and talking about rules. We even learned some rules with a song. The Rules Rap by Dr. Jean. (You can find it on Youtube) We have been working on a letter and number daily. If you haven’t received an email from me, please let me know a.s.a.p. I may have entered your email incorrectly. Please check your email regularly. QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR CHILD: What does it mean when your volcano erupts? What does Aa say? Bb? Cc? Can you flash me 0 (zero) on your fingers? 1? 2? 3? (Start with 1 being the pinky finger.) Why is Mrs. Jensen PROUD of me? Reminders Help your child practice their lunch number if they don’t know it. We are amazed at how many of them already do. Thanks for your help! The red H.E.R.O. folder needs to be sent to school DAILY and checked at home nightly. Please send a jacket with your child. The fall weather is here. It’s important that your child has tennis shoes for gym. Sandals and flip flops aren’t the safest. Please send a pair of tennis shoes to keep at school, if possible. Check out the back to school video on the school Facebook page! Mrs. Jensen