Superintendent Goals Update MAY 7, 2013
Increase number of students who are college and career ready in literacy, mathematics, science and social studies. GOAL 1: All students will be on track to be college/career ready in literacy. Participation of 4th and 5th grade teachers in lab classrooms By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, 100% of 4th grade teachers will observe and discuss observations of other classrooms four times during the school year By the end of the 2013-2014 school year, 100% of 5th grade teachers will observe and discuss observations of other classrooms four times during the school year Implementation of materials necessary for full implementation of balanced literacy in K-12 By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, materials will be fully implemented K-12 supporting integrated ELA learning and effective word study practices All students will be on track to be college/career ready in mathematics. Training in standards of mathematical practice By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, samples of student work demonstrating application of the standards will be collected K-12 Changes in secondary course trajectory By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, course sequence will be aligned to common core standards, materials will be selected for implementation in the 2013-2014 school year, and professional development will be planned ready in science. Training in interpreting and creating scientific data By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, science teachers in grades 6-11 will be provided instruction in student strategies for interpretation and creation of scientific data Standardization of writing (Claim-Evidence-Reasoning) By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, samples of student work reflecting claim, evidence, reasoning will be collected in grades 6-11 ready in social studies. Training in MI CLASS literacy practices By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, 24 teachers will be trained in grades 6-12 with classroom implementation Acquisition and implementation of updated materials By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, materials supporting literacy and social studies content will be effectively implemented in grades 6-12 A. B. C. D.
Progress made towards Goal All students will be on track to be college/career ready in literacy. Progress made towards Goal Participation of 4th and 5th grade teachers in lab classrooms By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, 100% of 4th grade teachers will observe and discuss observations of other classrooms three times during the school year By the end of the 2013-2014 school year, 100% of 5th grade teachers will observe and discuss observations of other classrooms four times during the school year Participation of 4th and 5th grade teachers in lab classrooms: 100% of 4th grade teachers participated in teacher lab three times; By the end of the 2013-2014 school year 100% of 5th grade teachers will participate in teacher lab four times during the school year. 4th grade teachers will be invited to continue to participate in teacher lab. Continued support for balanced literacy in K-12: 6-12 materials implemented supporting reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, grammar, and technological skills; K-5 materials implemented in the workshop structure; K-5 professional learning provided in word study (vocabulary, spelling). Implementation of materials necessary for full implementation of balanced literacy in K-12 By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, materials will be fully implemented K-12 supporting integrated ELA learning and effective word study practices
Progress made towards Goal All students will be on track to be college/career ready in mathematics. Progress made towards Goal Provided professional learning about standards for mathematical practice: Standards for mathematical practice introduced and explored at all grade levels; Samples of student work demonstrating application of the standards collected. Aligned secondary course sequence to common core standards and continued professional development planned. Reviewed and selected elementary and middle school common core aligned materials for full implementation in 2013-2014. Reviewed and revised assessment practices to better reflect the standards for mathematical practice. Training in standards for mathematical practice By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, samples of student work demonstrating application of the standards will be collected K-12 Changes in secondary course trajectory By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, course sequence will be aligned to common core standards, materials will be selected for implementation in the 2013-2014 school year, and professional development will be planned
All students will be on track to Progress made towards Goal be college/career ready in science. Progress made towards Goal Provided professional learning to teachers (6-12) about Next Generation Science Standards: Science and Engineering Practices to support interpretation and creation of scientific data. Provided professional learning to all teachers (K-12) about Next Generation Science Standards: Science and Engineering Practices to support scientific argumentation and explanation (Claim- Evidence-Reasoning): Samples of student work reflecting claim, evidence, reasoning were collected in grades 6-11. Standardization of writing (Claim-Evidence-Reasoning) By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, samples of student work reflecting claim, evidence, reasoning will be collected in grades 6-11 Training in interpreting and creating scientific data By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, science teachers in grades 6-11 will be provided instruction in student strategies for interpretation and creation of scientific data
Progress made towards Goal All students will be on track to be college/career ready in social studies. Progress made towards Goal Training in MI CLASS literacy practices By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, 24 teachers will be trained in grades 6-12 with classroom implementation (2011-2012- Middle School, 2012-2013- High School) Over 24 teachers have been formally trained with many others benefiting from the training these teachers received; Expanded professional learning in literacy strategies. (MI CLASS/HI CLASS Content Literacy Assessments, Standards and Strategies ); Supported classroom implementation of literacy strategies; Implemented new materials in grades 6-12. Acquisition and implementation of updated materials By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, materials supporting literacy and social studies content will be effectively implemented in grades 6-12
GOAL 2: Continue interventions to raise the achievement level of lowest performing subgroups. Math Creation of math support class providing an additional 3 hours of instruction per week for middle school students who need it most; Assured students with IEPs have opportunities to learn at the level of the Common Core State Standards; Materials adoption review included expectations for equity and differentiation; Continued support for high school Algebra 1 intervention programs. English Language Arts Professional learning for teachers and paraprofessionals in literacy acquisition for English language learners; Aligned teaching and learning in basic high school courses at grade level with Common Core State Standards; Coordinated professional development and support for reading teachers at the elementary and middle school level. Science and Social Studies Professional learning in disciplinary literacy strategies for content area teachers transitioning students into the critical thinking, reading, and writing required for academic work. Improved instruction for all students.
GOAL 3: Prepare for November 2013 Bond Election Determine district facility needs, technology upgrades and bus replacement to be included in bond and total cost Completed facility assessment study by TMP Architecture for Site, Roofing, Plumbing/HVAC, and Electrical resulting in estimated replacement timelines and costs; Completed district-wide technology assessment conducted by Technology Advisory Committee to identify technology needs with estimated timelines and costs; Provided Board with 9-year bus replacement schedule and estimated replacement costs; Central office administration conducted building site visits to validate instructional equipment needs.
GOAL 3 Develop timeline of all activities for Bond Issue Bond survey sent to community. Survey completed on Thursday, January 10, 2013. Board reviewed survey results at January 22nd Board Workshop. Amount of bond issue presented for consideration at February 5th Board Meeting.
GOAL 3: Develop Communications Plan Preliminary Action Items Survey Community – Community-wide survey January 7 – 10, 2013; Community Presentations – PowerPoint completed. Building/community presentations complete; Stakeholder Groups – Identified; School Building Reps Identified. Steering Committee –Selection process underway; Prepare Informational Materials – Work continues; Podcasts – Filming began early April, 2013
GOAL 3: Bond Application Approval Develop final bond application with bond council and financial advisors; Schedule Department of Treasury meeting for bond application review/approval June 10-26, 2013; After receiving final Department of Treasury approval, Board must pass resolution to put ballot initiative to voters.
GOAL 4: Continue and finalize data processing review to include total cost analysis. Cost analysis conducted on maintaining District’s current Finance/Human Resources software system (cost per student: $12+). Summer 2012 TSD participated in demonstration of Oakland Schools’ Tyler Munis software solution and determined product would meet District needs. Communicated to Oakland Schools, the intent to transition to Tyler Munis software product (along with 22 other Oakland County school districts) over the next 4 fiscal years. Cost per student subsidized for first five years by Oakland Schools; cost thereafter, approximately $10 per student. Oakland Schools still developing final implementation schedule with participating districts. Final transition date to convert to ISD system will be determined by June 30, 2013; Final commitment letters from local districts need to be completed by late Fall 2013.