EURAXESS network 14. February 2019 Marja Medved


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Presentation transcript:

EURAXESS network 14. February 2019 Marja Medved Novi Declaration of Commitment Predlogi za Top 4 Komunicirajte z name: izkušnje, primeri, izmenjava izkušenj, Linkedin skupina

Career Development Tools and resources for researchers, improvement of skills, reshaping working environment Evropska listina za raziskovalce (European Charter for Researchers) Kodeks ravnanja pri zaposlovanju raziskovalcev (Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers) Strategija človeških virov za raziskovalce (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)) Znanstvena viza (The Scientific Visa Package) Modra karta (The Blue Card) EURAXESS mreža RESAVER (Pan-European Pension Plan)

Jobs & Funding Vacancies and fellowships in more than 40 countries Evropska listina za raziskovalce (European Charter for Researchers) Kodeks ravnanja pri zaposlovanju raziskovalcev (Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers) Strategija človeških virov za raziskovalce (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)) Znanstvena viza (The Scientific Visa Package) Modra karta (The Blue Card) EURAXESS mreža RESAVER (Pan-European Pension Plan)

Partnering and Connecting Finding partners for projects, for being hosted… EURAXESS worldwide network Career Development centres National contact points All there to help you with matters from taxation, intellectual property rights, to pension, family matters (like kindergarten), inclusion into society… Evropska listina za raziskovalce (European Charter for Researchers) Kodeks ravnanja pri zaposlovanju raziskovalcev (Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers) Strategija človeških virov za raziskovalce (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)) Znanstvena viza (The Scientific Visa Package) Modra karta (The Blue Card) EURAXESS mreža RESAVER (Pan-European Pension Plan)

EURAXESS Slovenia 8 institutions – universities, research institutes, ministry Purpose of the network: support to researchers when being mobile support of researchers‘ career development network capacity building cooperating with other EURAXESS centres Slovenija: 1 BHO in ESC MIZŠ 7 ECP The mission of the EURAXESS Service Network (hereafter referred to as "EURAXESS Network") is to facilitate building a common European labour market of researchers by providing free, timely and high-quality support to facilitate the relocation and career development of researchers in Europe.

Portal main tool of EURAXESS network

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