HISTORICAL BACKGROUND classical liberalism protectionism “managed free trade” the Bretton Woods Conference
The International Monetary Fund from the “gold exchange system” to the current regime the quota system Fund’s resources Members States’ resources: reserve and credit tranche facilities special drawing rights conditionality and criticisms to the IMF
The World Bank Group the Int’l Bank for Reconstruction and Development the Int’l Dev’t Association the Int’l Finance Corporation the Multilateral Inv’t Guarantee Agency the Int’l Centre for the Settlement of Inv’t Disputes
From the ITO to the GATT the Avana Conference and the ITO Charter a provisional agreement the grandfather clause the lack of an institutional structure the “rounds” technique the Tokyo Round and the “GATT à la carte” the role of developing countries
The Uruguay Round and the Marrakesh Agreement the WTO agreement and the annexes: http://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/legal_e.htm the transition from GATT to WTO the single undertaking principle : multilateral vs plurilateral agreements