Social Networking Gets Social With the Paul Clarke Nonprofit Resource Center
What is Web 2.0? Tools Social Movement Thoughts?
Web 2.0 is FREE! Think: Free as, in Kittens! Concept from Meredith Farkas at ALA Chicago’s Life After 2.0 Panel Image from
Questions to Ask First* Who is responsible? Where is our audience? What is our purpose? How much time do we have? How do we know what works? *adopted from Life After Library 2.0, an American Library Association Panel, Chicago, July 2009, including and
Keep Asking How does our Social Media work meet our mission? What needs are we meeting? What is working? What should we stop doing?
Consider: Who is responsible? Make social media part of everyone’s job Your “Techie” Person? What happens when they leave? Or take vacation? Get angry?
Consider: Where is our audience? Who is our audience?
How much time do we have? Devote staff time for 2.0 work like all other work projects Learn + implement: edit, create, interact FREE ≠ EFFORTLESS (OR MAGICAL)
What is our purpose? $$$$$ Friends Advocacy Interaction Messaging Information Guides strategy, workflow, content
How do we know what works? What do we measure? Our Goals! Interaction? Feedback? Fans? $?
Further Facebook for Nonprofits Resources Facebook Nonprofits Guide (handout) Beth’s Blog (topic: Facebook)
Lettie Haver, Librarian Paul Clarke Nonprofit Resource Center Thank you! Lettie Haver, Librarian Paul Clarke Nonprofit Resource Center