Bone Fractures Dr. Nichols CHS
Complete Fracture (Radius)
Complete fracture in which bone breaks through skin Compound Fracture Complete fracture in which bone breaks through skin
Compound Fx. (tibia/fibula) Open fractures have contacted the environment. They are most commonly seen in vehicular or motorcycle accidents and they are at high risk for infection or osteomyelitis.
Greenstick Fx. This is an image of a greenstick fracture. Due to the pliability of pediatric bone, the bone does not completely fracture. The medial side of the radius is open where as the lateral cortex has simply buckled.
Dislocation distal ulna Galeazzi fx. Dislocation distal ulna Fx. distal 3rd of radius Classic Galeazzi fracture is described as a fracture of the distal third of the radius associated with a dislocation of the distal ulna. This classic injury occurs more commonly in adults and teenagers than in younger children. If the Galeazzi injury is not recognized, the radioulnar dislocation may not be identified. This can result in a painful prominence of the distal ulna.
5-year-old girl fell onto outstretched hand sustained Gartland Type II supracondylar humerus fx. Supracondylar humerus fractures are the most common elbow fractures in children, accounting for 60--80% of pediatric elbow fractures.
Colles’ Fracture (broken wrist)
X-ray of Colles’ fracture
Oblique Fracture
Mal-union resulting in fusion of radius/ulna This is an image of a both bone forearm fracture. The callus or fracture fragments have caused the bone to ossify between the radius and ulna fusing the forearm and preventing pronation or supination. Bone callus & fragments caused bones to ossify and fuse; prevents pronation & supination.
Comminuted Fracture of Lower Leg (21-year-old man was struck by a forklift)
Comminuted fx. (distal humerus) anterior view
humerus--lateral view Comminuted fx. humerus--lateral view
Incomplete Longitudinal Fracture (Distal Phalanx of Left Thumb)
Spiral Fracture Due to twisting movement.
Pathological Fracture of femur secondary to rickets (1-year old boy)
Pathologic fx. as result of bone tumor that weakened the arm. This is a 10-year old male who was throwing a football with his friends in the morning while at a youth camp. He noted some shoulder pain following this which worsened through the afternoon. The pain was not of sudden onset. These radiographs demonstrate a pathologic fracture through a bone cyst of the proximal humerus. The fracture extends distally through the humerus. The bone cyst's margins are well defined and slightly sclerotic. Fx. Fx.
Pathologic fx. from tumor which compromised bone’s strength. A pathologic fracture implies a tumor has invaded the bone and compromised the bone's strength. Some metabolic abnormalities such as Paget disease or rickets can also induce fractures. This is an example of a pathologic fracture due to metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Result of overuse or stress on bone. Stress Fx. Result of overuse or stress on bone. Growth plates This is an example of a stress fracture of the tibia (arrows). Stress fractures are a common result of overuse or stress on the bone. It is desirable to catch them before they become complete fractures because they are non-displaced and in perfect anatomic alignment so they tend to heal well with appropriate treatment. Fx.
humerus radius ulna Dislocation of elbow humerus radius ulna Dislocation of elbow
Dislocation of Elbow Joint
(pelvis of 19-year old high school sprinter) Avulsion--hip (pelvis of 19-year old high school sprinter) Bony fragment pulled from pelvis at point of growth plate and muscle attachment. This is a radiograph of the anterior superior iliac spine of the pelvis of a high school sprinter. Note the bony fragment that has dissociated from the pelvis (arrow). The patient pulled the bone fragment off the pelvis at the point of the sartorious muscle attachment. The sartorious is attached at the point of a growth plate, called an apopoysis, which renders the bone weaker and subject to possible fracture at times of intense stress.
Compression fx. L1 vertebral body Lumbar spine trauma. Sagittal multiplanar reformatted CT scan demonstrates a compression fracture of the L1 vertebral body (white arrow). A large fragment of bone projects into the spinal canal (yellow arrow).
Thoracic Fx. This is a serious 50% fracture dislocation between T11 and T12 which will result in paraplegia since it is located just above the conus medullaris.
Depressed fx.