Task Force on Personalised Budgets Presentation to Finish delegation 15 Feb 2018 Mr. Christy Lynch Chair
Policy Context – Programme for a Partnership Government “… we will establish a Task Force within 3 months on the implementation of personalised budgets for persons with disabilities. Core to this Task Force will be: The adoption of a single national coherent application system to develop budgets before end 2017 The adoption of a single national coherent system of accountability for the spend Exploring brokerage models whereby people are assisted to connect with and purchase the services that actually meet their own needs Actively monitoring practice, usage and trends and especially the linkage between personalised budgets, employability and employment rates as well as community living The Task Force should be led by policy/implementation entities within the public service in active consultation with civil society. After an initial period of 5 years it could be transitioned into the establishment of a national agency."
Establishment of Task Force Public invitation for expressions of interest. Established in September 2016 by Finian Mc Grath TD, Minister for People with Disabilities Includes policy makers, policy experts, academics, advocates for people with a disability and most importantly people with a lived experience of disability. “nothing about us, without us”
Task Force’s Remit The Task Force’s remit is to make recommendations on a cost-neutral approach to give people with disabilities more control in obtaining certain services and supports such as day services, residential care, respite care, personal assistance etc., giving them greater independence and choice in accessing services which best meet their individual needs.
Task Force Structure Strategy Group Advisory & Consultative Group Responsible for leading the development of recommendations and implementation pathways for the Task Force as a whole Advisory & Consultative Group Responsible for delivering advice and input as requested on key items arising during the work of the Strategy Group
Wider consultation Reference Group – individuals who expressed an interest in participating in the Task Force Public consultations also planned
Department of Health’s role in the Task Force The role of the Department of Health is to:- Provide the secretariat to the Strategy Group and to the Task Force as a whole when it sits in Plenary session Implement future Government policy decisions on Personalised Budgets
Deliberative Process The Task Force aims to ensure maximum transparency in its deliberations. All relevant documents – agendas, minutes, presentations and relevant policy documents are published online including “Easy Read” versions
Project Initiation Document Sets the content, scope and Deliverables of the Task Force Outlines terms of reference/policies and procedures that need to be adhered to Submitted to Cabinet sub-committee
Work Plan Identifies seven work streams to be pursued, and sets out lead partners and a timeframe for each one. Discovery phase Eligibility / Resource Allocation Financial Sustainability Supports to apply for and administer budgets Governance and Accountability Appraisal Implementation Plan
Progress to date Important outputs to date include: Project Initiation Document Detailed Work Plan Frequently Asked Questions Key stakeholders identified to lead on parallel work streams Synthesis of the latest research – NDA
Issues One size does not fit all “My life my choice” Latitude Re spend Information and training: People with disabilities Family Providers
Issues Independent Assessment of need Choice and Control Rights based not medical model Administrative challenge ++ Unbundle funding? Broader use of money Need for Quality Personal Assistants
Issues Not for everyone Employment Supports? Transport Supports? Purchase Equipment? Petty Cash Fund?
Possible Models Co-Managed Budget Brokerage Direct Payments