WarmUPS Art Mr. Burns
WarmUps Everyday as an activator students will complete a quick ten minute activity This will be completed in the back on students sketchbook starting with the very back page. Students will divide each page in half, hamburger style Students will then divide the top half by drawing a vertical line. See Example >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WarmUps- Top Half On the top half of each page students will complete a vocabulary and drawing exercise Left Half- Students will write the vocabulary word that is included in the warmup Right Half- Students will complete the short drawing exercise See Example>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vocabulary Drawing
WarmUPs- Bottom Half WRITING Every other day students will engage within a writing and discussion based on an artwork. Vocabulary Drawing WRITING
Writing Format 1st Sentence: Write in sentence form telling me the artist name 2nd Sentence: Write in sentence form telling me the title of the artwork 3rd Sentence: Write in sentence form telling me the date in which the art was completed 4th & 5th Sentences: Write two sentences describing what you see (the artwork). BE SPECIFIC. Avoid using the word ITS. 6th & 7th Sentences: Write two sentences giving me your opinion of the artwork. Back Up your opinion with a reason. If you don’t like it, that’s fine, tell me why. 8th Sentence: Create a question you would ask the artist specific to the artwork.
Grade 10 points for completing the upper half 10 point for completing the bottom half Up to 10 points of extra credit for writing more on bottom half about the artwork. Subject to Change