VCS Event 30th March 2017
Engagement 2016/17 Early engagement on “what is the STP?” from start of the process (February 2016) and included VCS specific updates Formal engagement period from publication (Nov 22nd 2017) until end of February 2017 Additional staff engagement started 14th February and is ongoing 165 events including VCS/ patient forums/mobile roadshows/statutory sector (inc. Elected Members) Ambition to ensure VCS involvement on Workstreams unfortunately was not achieved due to changes in STP governance and workstream composition.
Key themes Overall support for the direction of travel but some areas which require further consideration and discussion: Transport and travel Community beds Carers The detail of the plan A and E alternatives Technology Staff engagement Prevention and self care
Next steps National Guidance due this week – move from planning to delivery Refresh of our plan throughout April to: Respond to engagement themes Update the financial position, the impact on priorities and timelines Reflect changes to workstreams and delivery 16th March – Comms and Engagement workshop with NHSE around key themes and work with communities Delivery programme will be finalised and workstream engagement will broaden
RB-SW-WF ALLIANCES Worcestershire Alliance – What priority areas do we have in common in 2017/18 IMPROVING ACCESS TO CARE Primary Care Access Interface with MIU and AEC INTEGRATING PRIMARY, COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL CARE via the successful introduction of Neighbourhood Teams across each Alliance footprint INTEGRATING SPECIALIST SUPPORT Frailty – including specialist support for Care Homes & Neighbourhood Teams 2-3 specialty areas ‘ology's’ – to be reviewed via Alliance Boards for alternative pathway PROMOTING SELF CARE AND SELF MANAGEMENT Social Prescribing, including Care Navigation Improving Access to care Primary Care access Interface with MIU Interface with AEC Integrating primary, social & community care Implementing Integrated teams Review of Care Home Support Recovery beds review Integrating specialist support Promoting Self care & Self management Social prescribing RB-SW-WF ALLIANCES Something to celebrate/share Need some support from colleagues Major concerns/risks Top actions to do next
Moving forward… RB ALLIANCE SW ALLIANCE WF ALLIANCE NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT RB ALLIANCE SW ALLIANCE WF ALLIANCE Dedicated Transformational Resource Worcestershire Alliance Programme Board Worcestershire Alliance Worcestershire Health and Care Trust General Practice Worcestershire County Council Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust Worcestershire Health and Care Trust to act as ‘Enabling Vehicle’