Third Battalion METL Assessment 26 April 2018
Mike Company METL Assessment 26 April 2018
Mike Academic Assessment Current rating: Practiced Strengths Use of Tutoring Program & Academic Support Center Maintaining quiet ESP Conditions Mandatory 4/C Study Hall, study outside barracks Proactive Academic Advisor & Academic Officer Weaknesses Class absences
Mike Academic Assessment * Data obtained from Cadet Accountability System (CAS) # Based on Commandant Dept. definition of academically deficient as < 2.00 GPA
Mike Academic Strategy Continue having duty team, Academic Officer, Academic Adviser, and chain of command do walk-through inspections to monitor ESP. Maintain focus on maintaining average semester GPA of 3.00 or higher Be more proactive in minimizing class absences Maintain emphasis on maximizing study time and time management
Mike Military Assessment Current rating: Practiced Strengths Positive command climate Strong Community Service focus and performance Good emphasis on military standards Great use of leadership dissemination/ task organization Weaknesses temperamental accountability & sign-in/sign out issues Morning formation structure and overall bearing Performance Drop in Parade
Mike Military Assessment Average Parade results last year Average Parade results this year Class I Offenses last year Class I Offenses this year Suitability Boards last year Suitability Boards this year 1C N/A 2C 1 3C (import/ BT) 4C Total 867 pts. 3rd as of 4/22/16
Mike Military Strategy Improvement of accountability at formations Improvement daily MRIs Better utilize chain of command for accountability at formations and Utilize newly developed system for readiness of cadet rooms for MRIs Continue focus on 4/C retention Focus on class unity and discipline
Mike Moral/Ethical Assessment Current rating: Practiced Strengths Leadership Training Program (LTP) Steady focus and emphasis by cadet leaders Awareness via Cadet Counseling program Strong community service program Community Service Hours- 1,712 (as of April 23) Weaknesses Maturity of our cadet demographic
Mike Moral/Ethical Assessment Number of honor accusations last year Number of honor accusations this year Number of “in violation” honor findings last year Number of “in violation” honor findings this year Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports last year assault incident reports this year 1C 2C 3C 4C 1 Total
Mike Moral/Ethical Strategy Maintain and emphasize positive expectations of our cadets Ensure Mike company cadets attend scheduled LTP training LTP attendance by athletes must be made mandatory Continue emphasis on strong community service Emphasize Honor System
Mike Physical Assessment Current rating: Practiced Strengths Strong physical fitness & testing program Strong core participation in intramural program Weaknesses Motivating cadets to participate actively in morning PT sessions PT structuring
Mike Physical Assessment CPFT avg. last year CPFT avg. this year Number of CPFT failures last year Number of CPFT failures this year Number of Ht & Wt failures last year Number of Ht & Wt failures this year 1C 216 223 2 2C 229 4 1 3C 203 210 4C 202 224 Company Avg. 208 Total: 5 Total: 10 Total: 6 Total: 3 Data obtained from Cadet Accountability System (CAS) * AVERAGES INCLUDE 9 STUDENT ATHLETES WITH SCORES OF ZERO. ** One cadet failed both CPFT & HT/WT
Mike Physical Strategy Continue to hold all cadets accountable for their performance and progress Continue to hold cadets in remedial status accountable Use physically proficient cadets to PT with those on remedial status Encourage/challenge all cadets to achieve potential Increase recognition of top performers Continue emphasis on intramurals and encourage participation by all cadets Encourage more participation by all classes in company intramurals
Mike Overall Assessment Last Year This Year (as of 4/26/18) Academic T P Military Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness
Mike Overall Comments Overall excellence in community service and academic pillar Continued focus on improving overall accountability and PT program Greater preparation for SMI inspections
Lima Company METL Assessment 26 April 2018
Lima Academic Assessment Cum GPA ending Spring 17 Cum GPA as of today Class Absences last year Class Absences this year Number GPA< 2.0 last year Number GPA < 2.0 1C 3.31 3.07 211 88 2C 3.12 2.69 189 128 4 3C 2.73 2.86 109 100 1 4C 2.9 2.87 108 36 5 2 Total 3.01 617 347 6 10 Current data for cadets currently in L Co as of 4/24/18
Lima Academic Assessment 2.95 GPA last semester Gold Stars - 20 Dean’s List - 37 Nobody on academic probation 3.0 GPA No one below 2.0 GPA Lower class absences 145 excused 13 unexcused Use academic resources Strengths Evening study habits, especially during finals preparation Weaknesses Class absences were absolutely inexcusable this semester. We have one cadet who cannot return because of class absences and a few more that are close.
Lima Academic Strategy How we are going to maintain: By handing off goals to incoming AO and warn him/her of “at risk” cadets. How we are going improve: Motivate cadets to achieve higher GPAs and hold themselves accountable for their actions. Weekly meetings with at risk cadets by AO and Advisor
Lima Military Assessment Total Demerits last year Total Demerits this year Class I Offenses last year Class I Offenses this year 4C Attrition 2017 2018 1C N/A 1 2 2C 3C 4C 7 6 Total 3
Lima Military Assessment Goal- 4C retention, All class development Strengths- Strong staff officers and ground level leadership Weaknesses- “Trust but Verify”
Lima Military Strategy How we are going to maintain: Keep morale high and positive work environment through class unity and school pride. How we are going to improve : Invest time into every person and P.R and double check meeting expectations often Continue professional counseling for those in need
Lima Moral/Ethical Assessment Number of honor accusations /findings last year 2017 Number of honor accusations /findings this year 2018 Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports last year assault incident reports this year Number of Company Community Service Projects last year this year 1C 2/1 2C 3C 1/1 4C Total
Lima Moral/Ethical Assessment Goals: 2018: No honor accusations/violations No Sexual Harassment/Assault Reports Strengths: Low number of Honor Accusations Weaknesses: ⅔ of the Honor Accusations were in violation No community service projects as a class/company
Lima Moral/Ethical Assessment How we are going to maintain: Continue informing underclassmen on the Honor system and the consequences of Honor violations Keep the company informed of what sexual harassment/assault is and the zero tolerance policy How we are going to fix: Appoint a community service leader in the company, responsible for organizing community service opportunities throughout the year for the company/classes Have the Honor Reps have more of a presence within the company and ensure that upperclassmen are informed on the specifics of the Honor Code
Lima Physical Assessment CPFT avg last year CPFT avg this year Number of CPFT failures last year Number of CPFT failures this year Number of H & W failures last year Number of H & W failures this year 1C 234.1 210.36 2 1 2C 215.23 218.56 3C 237.93 235.8 4C 239.28 216.68 Total 231.64 220.35 4
Lima Physical Assessment Goals- Change the Mentality surrounding Corps Pt. Strengths- Physical Competence Weaknesses- Taking the PT test serious
Lima Physical Strategy How we are going to maintain: -Continue to change morale at morning PT How we are going to fix: -Show company the impact PT results have on the company. - Have Athletic Officer act as a personal trainer
Lima Overall Assessment Last Year This Year Academic P Military Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness
Lima Overall Comments 2019 GOALS: Academic Implement a company study hall for all classes under a certain GPA Military Eliminate PRs for restrictions by having weekend duty remind cadets with punishments and constant supervision Physical Keep the participation up for intramurals and motivation up for Corps PT Moral/Ethical Find a cadet that is serious about community service and let him/her lead community service projects
India Company METL Assessment 26 April 2018
India Academic Assessment Cum GPA last year Cum GPA this year Class Absences last year Class Absences this year Number Academically Deficient last year Number Academically Deficient this year 1C 3.09 3.383 181 49 2C 3.024 3.241 135 28 1 3C 2.906 3.187 160 20 4C 2.947 2.711 68 39 4 5 Total 2.991 3.115 544 136 6
India Academic Assessment Overall assessment: Needs Practice Strengths Overall great effort being put into academics, resulting in the third best cumulative GPA in the Corps. Good use of on campus academic resources by cadets. (ex: SI, academic support center, etc.) Great mentoring and guidance shown from upper class cadets to lower class cadets Weaknesses Occasionally gets too rowdy and loud on the galleries during ESP. Overuse of Netflix and video games during ESP. There is a small minority of Cadets that still don’t take academics seriously enough
India Academic Strategy Continue to stress to Cadets the importance of using academic resources, i.e. academic support center, library Strictly enforce quiet on the gallery's during ESP by having division inspectors walk around the galleries a few times every night Have the Academic NCO conduct random checks during ESP to make sure cadets are not watching Netflix or playing video games Have all deficient Cadets set up an academic daily course plan with the academic officer to ensure they have a plan to study everyday
India Military Assessment Avg parade results Fall Semester Avg parade results Spring Semester Class I Offenses Fall Semester Class I Offenses Spring Semester Suitability Boards Fall Semester Suitability Boards Spring Semester 1C N/A 2 1 2C 3C 3 4C Total Top 7 Top 10 8
India Military Assessment Overall assessment: Needs Practice Strengths Correcting cadets in and out of the barracks with uniform corrections. Enforcing college regulations and making sure the good old’ boy system doesn’t play an affect Weaknesses Formation Discipline. Not moving down on line at First Call Need to improve tougher enforcement against tobacco use and other college regulations that tend to get ignored Need to continue to focus on parade and continue to enforce discipline during practice parade
India Military Strategy Enforce major focus during practice parade and have CO, XO, & DM examine the company for discrepancies For formations, have PSGs and SLs work with their individual cadets to make sure they get down to formation on time Have SLs enforce silence during company formations If an individual is not formation standards, document their discrepancies first by oral and then written consultations Work together with officers and NCOs to ensure they continue to understand all the regulations in the blue book and continue to pressure them to enforce the regulations when they see discrepancies
India Character Assessment Number of honor accusations Fall Semester Number of honor accusations Spring Semester Number of “in violation” honor findings Fall Semester Number of “in violation” honor findings Spring Semester Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports Fall Semester assault incident reports Spring Semester Number of Alcohol or drug related offenses Fall Semester Number of Alcohol or drug related offenses Spring Semester 1C 1 2C 3C 3 4C 2 Total 6
India Character Assessment Overall assessment: Needs Practice Strengths Continuing to enforce regulations for serious offenses Cadets are abiding by SHARP and EO Policies Good at reporting incidence up the chain of command to 1SG and CO Strong participation in community service events 82 cadet volunteers out of a company of 100 Weaknesses Peer leadership is still hard to perform among cadets of the same class Continue to emphasize cadet familiarity with the honor system Continue to inform cadets of different resources on campus for those that are struggling with more serious problems Having cadets give more time to community service events Only 937 hours in total for the company
India Character Assessment Strategy Continue to enforce high standards in regards to serious class one violations. Continue to have zero tolerance for hazing and 4th class violations High amounts of alcohol violations this year, continue to stress the importance to Cadets about keeping those prohibited items out of battalion Continue to improve community service by having more company level community service events throughout the year Continue to have Honor Representatives conduct honor training with all four classes to ensure everyone has a good understanding of the intricacies of the honor code
India Fitness Assessment CPFT avg Fall Semester CPFT avg Spring Semester Number of CPFT failures Fall Semester Number of CPFT failures Spring Semester Number of H & W failures Fall Semester Number of H & W failures Spring Semester 1C 230.12 237.52 1 2C 244.47 240.94 2 3C 231.84 244.60 4C 252.24 247.31 Total 233.91 242.49 4 5 3
India Fitness Assessment Overall assessment: Needs Practice Strengths Good PT scores all around 2nd place in the corps at 242.49 No one failed the PT test Weaknesses Better participation in Intramurals. 11th in the corps for intramurals, 9 forfeits Typically a few juniors and some knobs Had few fail HT/WT, but they passed the CPFT
India Fitness Strategy Reward those who excel at PT Have cadets that excel during PT get opportunities to work with the Company Athletic officer to generate workout ideas Allow the best squad each week to have more freedom the following week in determine how they want to conduct PT that morning Weekly checkups with Athletic Officer if on remedial for height weight Have the athletic officer develop diet plans along with workout plans for those on remedial Improve Company pride through intermural participation. Focus on generating more participation by excelling in intermural Give cadets that excel during intermural opportunities to be recognized during company formations Award victories cadets and those that step up to leadership positions during these events Merits for service to company and leadership capabilities
India Overall Assessment Pillars SY 2016-2017 SY 2017-2018 Academic Trained Needs Practice Military Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness
India Overall Comments
Kilo Company METL Assessment 26 April 2018
Kilo Academic Assessment
Kilo Academic Assessment Proficient Strengths 6th Overall for GPA Weaknesses Absences Use of Academic Officer for merits
Kilo Academic Strategy Improve class attendance by not excusing absences Incentivize GPA performance by pushing ‘Merits for Overnights’
Kilo Military Assessment
Kilo Military Assessment Proficient Strengths Accountability/Formations Weaknesses Alcohol violations
Kilo Military Strategy How are we going to fix: Educate company on safe drinking Have a safety brief/reminder before Friday parade
Kilo Moral/Ethical Assessment
Kilo Moral/Ethical Assessment Proficient Strengths Community Service 1,148 confirmed hours Participation from lower classes Continuity Weaknesses Participation from Upperclass
Kilo Moral/Ethical Strategy How we are going to maintain: Participation in honor training Reiterate understanding of Honor System Holding one another accountable How we are going to fix: Educate upperclassmen about possible Community Service opportunities
Kilo Physical Assessment
Kilo Physical Assessment Proficient Strengths All cadets passed final PT test Accountability before/during/after PT Weaknesses Monotonous Morning PT Not enough autonomy
Kilo Physical Strategy How we will maintain: Strict accountability at PT formations Ensure PT is being performed correctly Keep PT plans dynamic and challenging How we will fix: Prepare dynamic PT plans for Commandants Dept. to approve
Kilo Overall Assessment
Kilo Overall Comments
Third Battalion Overall Assessment Last Year This Year Academic P Military Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness
Third Battalion Academic Assessment Cum GPA Final Fall 2017 Cum GPA Midterms Spring 2018 Fall 2017 >3.0 Fall 2017 Gold Stars Staff 3.69 3.48 16 10 Mike 3.01 2.56 59 13 Lima 2.96 2.51 53 20 Kilo 3.05 2.64 66 19 India 3.07 2.7 67 Average 3.156 2.778 N/A
Third Battalion Overall Comments