Unit –VIII PRAM Algorithms
Classification of the PRAM model Engineered for Tomorrow Classification of the PRAM model In the PRAM model, processors communicate by reading from and writing to the shared memory locations. The power of a PRAM depends on the kind of access to the shared memory locations.
Classification of the PRAM model Engineered for Tomorrow Classification of the PRAM model In every clock cycle, In the Exclusive Read Exclusive Write (EREW) PRAM, each memory location can be accessed only by one processor. In the Concurrent Read Exclusive Write (CREW) PRAM, multiple processor can read from the same memory location, but only one processor can write. In the Concurrent Read Concurrent Write (CRCW) PRAM, multiple processor can read from or write to the same memory location.
In the Common CRCW PRAM, all the processors must write the same value. Engineered for Tomorrow In the Common CRCW PRAM, all the processors must write the same value. In the Arbitrary CRCW PRAM, one of the processors arbitrarily succeeds in writing. In the Priority CRCW PRAM, processors have priorities associated with them and the highest priority processor succeeds in writing.
The relative powers of the different PRAM models are as follows. Engineered for Tomorrow The EREW PRAM is the weakest and the Priority CRCW PRAM is the strongest PRAM model. The relative powers of the different PRAM models are as follows.
We say model A is less powerful compared to model B if either: Engineered for Tomorrow We say model A is less powerful compared to model B if either: the time complexity for solving a problem is asymptotically less in model B as compared to model A. or if the time complexities are the same, the processor or work complexity is asymptotically less in model B as compared to model A. An algorithm designed for a stronger PRAM model can be simulated on a weaker model either with asymptotically more processors (work) or with asymptotically more time.
Adding n numbers on a PRAM Engineered for Tomorrow Adding n numbers on a PRAM Adding n numbers on a PRAM
Adding n numbers on a PRAM Engineered for Tomorrow Adding n numbers on a PRAM This algorithm works on the EREW PRAM model as there are no read or write conflicts. We will use this algorithm to design a matrix multiplication algorithm on the EREW PRAM.
Matrix multiplication Engineered for Tomorrow Matrix multiplication For simplicity, we assume that n = 2p for some integer p.
Matrix multiplication Engineered for Tomorrow Matrix multiplication Each can be computed in parallel. We allocate n processors for computing ci,j. Suppose these processors are P1, P2,…,Pn. In the first time step, processor computes the product ai,m x bm,j. We have now n numbers and we use the addition algorithm to sum these n numbers in log n time.
Matrix multiplication Engineered for Tomorrow Matrix multiplication Computing each takes n processors and log n time. Since there are n2 such ci,j s, we need overall O(n3) processors and O(log n) time. The processor requirement can be reduced to O(n3 / log n). Hence, the work complexity is O(n3)
Matrix multiplication Engineered for Tomorrow Matrix multiplication For simplicity, we assume that n = 2p for some integer p.
Engineered for Tomorrow Hence our algorithm runs on the CREW PRAM and we need to avoid the read conflicts to make it run on the EREW PRAM. We will create n copies of each of the elements ai,j (and bi,j). Then one copy can be used for computing each ci,j . Creating n copies of a number in O (log n) time using O (n) processors on the EREW PRAM. In the first step, one processor reads the number and creates a copy. Hence, there are two copies now. In the second step, two processors read these two copies and create four copies.
Engineered for Tomorrow Since the number of copies doubles in every step, n copies are created in O(log n) steps. Though we need n processors, the processor requirement can be reduced to O (n / log n). Since there are n2 elements in the matrix A (and in B), we need O (n3 / log n) processors and O (log n) time to create n copies of each element. After this, there are no read conflicts in our algorithm. The overall matrix multiplication algorithm now take O (log n) time and O (n3 / log n) processors on the EREW PRAM.
Engineered for Tomorrow Parallel Algorithms Parallel: perform more than one operation at a time. PRAM model: Parallel Random Access Model. Multiple processors connected to a shared memory. Each processor access any location in unit time. All processors can access memory in parallel. All processors can perform operations in parallel. Shared memory p0 p1 pn-1
Concurrent vs. Exclusive Access Engineered for Tomorrow Concurrent vs. Exclusive Access Four models EREW: exclusive read and exclusive write CREW: concurrent read and exclusive write ERCW: exclusive read and concurrent write CRCW: concurrent read and concurrent write Handling write conflicts Common-write model: only if they write the same value. Arbitrary-write model: an arbitrary one succeeds. Priority-write model: the one with smallest index succeeds. EREW and CRCW are most popular.
Synchronization and Control Engineered for Tomorrow Synchronization and Control Synchronization: A most important and complicated issue Suppose all processors are inherently tightly synchronized: All processors execute the same statements at the same time No race among processors, i.e, same pace. Termination control of a parallel loop: Depend on the state of all processors Can be tested in O(1) time.
Pointer Jumping – list ranking Engineered for Tomorrow Pointer Jumping – list ranking Given a single linked list L with n objects, compute, for each object in L, its distance from the end of the list. Formally: suppose next is the pointer field d[i]= 0 if next[i]=nil d[next[i]]+1 if next[i]nil Serial algorithm: (n).
List ranking –EREW algorithm Engineered for Tomorrow List ranking –EREW algorithm LIST-RANK(L) (in O(log n) time) for each processor i, in parallel do if next[i]=nil then d[i]0 else d[i]1 while there exists an object i such that next[i]nil do for each processor i, in parallel do if next[i]nil then d[i] d[i]+ d[next[i]] next[i] next[next[i]]
List-ranking –EREW algorithm Engineered for Tomorrow List-ranking –EREW algorithm 1 3 4 6 5 (a) 3 4 6 1 5 (b) 2 2 2 2 1 3 4 6 1 5 (c) 4 3 2 1 3 4 6 1 5 (d) 5 4 3 2 1 20
List ranking –correctness of EREW algorithm Engineered for Tomorrow List ranking –correctness of EREW algorithm Loop invariant: for each i, the sum of d values in the sub-list headed by i is the correct distance from i to the end of the original list L. Parallel memory must be synchronized: the reads on the right must occur before the writes on the left. Moreover, read d[i] and then read d[next[i]]. An EREW algorithm: every read and write is exclusive. For an object i, its processor reads d[i], and then its precedent processor reads its d[i]. Writes are all in distinct locations. 21
LIST ranking EREW algorithm running time Engineered for Tomorrow LIST ranking EREW algorithm running time O(log n): The initialization for loop runs in O(1). Each iteration of while loop runs in O(1). There are exactly log n iterations: Each iteration transforms each list into two interleaved lists: one consisting of objects in even positions, and the other odd positions. Thus, each iteration double the number of lists but halves their lengths. The termination test in line 5 runs in O(1). Define work = #processors running time. O(n log n).
Parallel prefix on a list Engineered for Tomorrow Parallel prefix on a list A prefix computation is defined as: Input: <x1, x2, …, xn> Binary associative operation Output:<y1, y2, …, yn> Such that: y1= x1 yk= yk-1 xk for k=2,3, …,n , i.e, yk= x1 x2 … xk . Suppose <x1, x2, …, xn> are stored orderly in a list. Define notation: [i,j]= xi xi+1 … xj 23
Prefix computation LIST-PREFIX(L) for each processor i, in parallel Engineered for Tomorrow Prefix computation LIST-PREFIX(L) for each processor i, in parallel do y[i] x[i] while there exists an object i such that next[i]nil do for each processor i, in parallel do if next[i]nil then y[next[i]] y[i] y[next[i]] next[i] next[next[i]]
Prefix computation –EREW algorithm Engineered for Tomorrow Prefix computation –EREW algorithm [1,1] x1 [2,2] x2 [3,3] [4,4] x4 [5,5] x5 [6,6] x6 (a) x3 x1 x2 x5 x6 x3 x4 (b) [1,1] [1,2] [2,3] [3,4] [4,5] [5,6] x1 x2 x5 x6 x3 (c) [1,1] [1,2] [1,3] [1,4] [2,5] [3,6] x1 x2 x5 x6 x3 (d) [1,1] [1,2] [1,3] [1,4] [1,5] [1,6]
Find root –CREW algorithm Engineered for Tomorrow Find root –CREW algorithm Suppose a forest of binary trees, each node i has a pointer parent[i]. Find the identity of the tree of each node. Assume that each node is associated a processor. Assume that each node i has a field root[i].
CREW algorithm FIND-ROOTS(F) for each processor i, in parallel Engineered for Tomorrow CREW algorithm FIND-ROOTS(F) for each processor i, in parallel do if parent[i] = nil then root[i]i while there exist a node i such that parent[i] nil do for each processor i, in parallel do if parent[i] nil then root[i] root[parent[i]] parent[i] parent[parent[i]]
All the writes are exclusive Engineered for Tomorrow Running time: O(log d), where d is the height of maximum-depth tree in the forest. All the writes are exclusive But the read in line 7 is concurrent, since several nodes may have same node as parent. 28
Engineered for Tomorrow CREW v/s EREW Q: How fast can n nodes in a forest determine their roots using only exclusive read? A: (log n) Argument: when exclusive read, a given peace of information can only be copied to one other memory location in each step, thus the number of locations containing a given piece of information at most doubles at each step. Looking at a forest with one tree of n nodes, the root identity is stored in one place initially. After the first step, it is stored in at most two places; after the second step, it is Stored in at most four places, …, so need lg n steps for it to be stored at n places. 29
Find maximum – CRCW algorithm Engineered for Tomorrow Find maximum – CRCW algorithm FAST-MAX(A) nlength[A] for i 0 to n-1, in parallel do m[i] true for i 0 to n-1 and j 0 to n-1, in parallel do if A[i] < A[j] then m[i] false do if m[i] =true then max A[i] return max 5 6 9 2 9 m 5 F T T F T F 6 F F T F T F 9 F F F F F T 2 T T T F T F A[j] A[i] max=9 The running time is O(1).
CRCW v/s EREW If find maximum using EREW, then (lg n). Engineered for Tomorrow CRCW v/s EREW If find maximum using EREW, then (lg n). Argument: consider how many elements “think” that they might be the maximum. First, n, After first step, n/2, After second step n/4. …, each step, halve. Moreover, CREW takes (log n).
CRCW v/s EREW CRCW: Some say : easier to program and more faster. Engineered for Tomorrow CRCW v/s EREW CRCW: Some say : easier to program and more faster. Others say: The hardware to CRCW is slower than EREW. And one can not find maximum in O(1). Still others say: either EREW or CRCW is wrong. Processors must be connected by a network, and only be able to communicate with other via the network, so network should be part of the model.
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