ANALYZE THE PROMPT Write: The historic skill you are going to use Analyze the various motives of those who participated in the Revolutionary War and how those motives impacted which side they fought on. Underline: Context (dates, topics) Write: The historic skill you are going to use Circle: Key idea(s) that will help us write a thesis Identify: Second part to a question
PURPOSE: TO UNDERSTAND AND ANALYZE THE MOTIVES OF PEOPLE WHO TOOK PART IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR LOYALISTS and PATRIOTS For each of the following documents, analyze the following: Why did this person get involved with the American Revolution? Why did they choose the side they chose? Write a thesis now...What factors impacted whether or not a person might choose to participate in the revolution and which side they might chose?
Fighting the American Revolution What factors enabled the Americans to defeat the British? (HOW the heck did we win this war?????)
Complete this chart in your notes: Americans British Advantages Disadvantages
4 factors that enabled the US to win: British difficulties fighting an unpopular war across the ocean and keeping the army supplied. Assumptions made about Loyalists and assumptions made about the strength of the Americans and their cause. American goals, strategy and morale Aid of European powers. Copy these ideas into your notes into four sections, leaving space to the right or underneath.
Use the evidence we have to support the ideas below: British difficulties fighting an unpopular war across the ocean and keeping the army supplied. Assumptions made about Loyalists and assumptions made about the strength of the Americans and their cause. American goals and strategy and morale Aid of European powers. Purpose: To analyze evidence from the Revolutionary War and use the evidence to support one of four arguments about the war.
Group assignment Read the letter from American Colonel Henry Knox to his wife about the Battle of Trenton and… Identify an example from his letter that connects to the American victory in the war. Explain HOW it demonstrates this idea and make sure you use details from the document. (Try to paraphrase instead of quoting) Connect this to another piece of evidence OTHER THAN THE BATTLE OF TRENTON! Again, use as specific details as possible.