Revising and Editing
What is the difference between revising a text, and editing a text?
Revise Revision means change. When you revise you are replacing, adding, deleting, or reordering your text. This may involve moving or removing entire paragraphs or sentences, extending or narrowing ideas, rewriting vague or confusing text, and adding to existing paragraphs. If you are revising, then you are looking for alternatives, different ways to write what's already written, or possibly taking something out or adding something new.
Edit Editing is the process writers use to catch errors typical to their own writing When you edit, you address problems with spelling, grammar, punctuation, or word choice. When editing, the writer must carefully read each word. Word choice is a crucial factor. If needed, the author should use a thesaurus or dictionary when editing
How can your anchor chart help you? Something a little different today...we are going to make ANCHOR CHARTS! What is an anchor chart? Anchor charts are a great way to make thinking visible as you record strategies, processes, cues, guidelines and other content during the learning process. How can your anchor chart help you?
Before we begin, let’s make sure we hold each other accountable. Assign each other group roles (there will be more than one person in each role depending on the group size). Creative Geniuses-creates the physical anchor chart Diction Directors-create the sentences, definitions, and examples Researcher Rulers- use the dictionary and thesaurus to help with word choice You have 2 minutes to decide your roles.
Anchor Chart :Revision Remind me what it means to revise... CHANGE REORDER REPLACE DELETE ADD
Replace Add Delete Reorder Before After As I ran to the finish line, my heart was beating fast. Add Shadows made the night seem scary. Delete The candidates talked about the issues, and many of the issues were issues that had been on the voters minds Reorder Put the sunflower seeds over the strawberries, which are on top of the pineapple in the bowl. You’ll have a delicious fruit salad.
While the creative geniuses draw the chart, the other group members need to fix the sentences. For example, you will read the before sentence, and REPLACE some of the lower level vocabulary words, with more creative, higher level word choices. Before After Replace As I ran to the finish line, my heart was beating fast.
Replace Add Delete Reorder Before After As I ran to the finish line, my heart was beating fast. REPLACE lower level vocabulary words with more details. Write the new sentence here. Add Shadows made the night seem scary. ADD more details to the sentence and write the new sentence here. Delete The candidates talked about the issues, and many of the issues were issues that had been on the voters minds DELETE repetitive words and write the new sentence here. Reorder Put the sunflower seeds over the strawberries, which are on top of the pineapple in the bowl. You’ll have a delicious fruit salad. REORDER this sentence so that it is more coherent, it flows better. Write the new sentence(s) here. PAP: Use compound, or compound-complex sentences! No simple sentences.
Remind me what it means to edit... Anchor Chart :Edit Remind me what it means to edit... Fix Errors Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Usage
Usage Punctuation Spelling Explanation/Rules Example Capitalization Explain the definition and rules of capitalization. Usage Explain the definition and rules of usage. What does ‘usage’ mean? What has to be used correctly? Punctuation Explain the definition and rules of punctuation. Spelling Explain the definition and rules of spelling. How can you fix/check your spelling? What tools do you need?.
When you are finished, I will check your anchor chart.
You have 6 minutes to finish your chart from yesterday.
(makes it sound better) In your groups, categorize the different tasks needed for revising and editing. Use the anchor charts around the room to help you. Revising (makes it sound better) Editing (makes it look better) PAP: This is a race, try to put your Venn diagram together the quickest. Raise your hand when you think you are done and I will come check.
(makes it sound better) Editing (makes it look better) Revising (makes it sound better) Adding specific descriptions, explanations, and details Fix capitalization mistakes The reader is able to read the text smoothly with no distractions Varied sentence structures (combining simple sentences) Correct misspelled words Adding, changing, or deleting parts of the text to help the writing flow Add, delete, or change punctuation . ! , ; “ Improves the overall quality of the text Replace basic words with higher level vocabulary Use a dictionary or thesaurus to help Organizing ideas in an order that makes the text coherent Indent paragraphs
Today we will be working with one of the texts from the benchmark.
When you first look at your text, pay close attention to the instructions. According to the instructions, will you be editing this text, or revising it? Since we are revising, what tasks will we be asked to complete?
Just by reading the instructions and title, what is the purpose of this article? Because you being asked a question, you have to pick A side. Therefore, this piece of text is PERSUASIVE. The author will attempt to persuade you to agree with them based their facts.
Follow along as we read the text together Follow along as we read the text together. Pay close attention to the persuasive language in the text.
What do we do first? What is this question asking? What is the purpose of a transition?
What do we do first? What is this question asking? What is the purpose of a transition?
Finish questions 8-11 with your group Finish questions 8-11 with your group. On each question, annote how you found your answer ( write out the steps, make notes, highlight, eliminate wrong answers etc).
least favorite day of high school so far. Title your paper like the example below (name, date, teacher’s name, title) First & Last Name 2/23/2017 Mrs. Beam Past Tense Narrative Describe your most OR least favorite day of high school so far.
Today: Each group will be assigned one question from the revision section of the benchmark. You will be given the correct answer. You will work together to create a Google slide that you will use to teach the class how to answer that question correctly.
Decide who will accomplish each task Decide who will accomplish each task. If there are less than 6 people, then some of you will have extra slides. Remember, you chose your own groups, you are accountable for your actions and your work. __________ is completing slide one. Slide One: Type up the question and answer choices. (should be the faster typer) __________ is completing slide two. Slide Two: Type up the paragraph your question is referring to. __________ is completing slide three. Slide Three: Explain what you will do FIRST when answering the question. Make sure you underline/highlight/ and make notes on the question (this should be a copy of slide one so you can edit/annotate on it). __________ is completing slide four. Slide Four: Explain what you will do SECOND when answering the question. Make sure you underline/highlight/ and make notes on the question (this should be a copy of slide one so you can edit/annotate on it). __________ is completing slide five. Slide Five: Explain what you will do THIRD when answering the question. Make sure you underline/highlight/ and make notes on the question(this should be a copy of slide one so you can edit/annotate on it). __________ is completing slide six. Slide SIX : Explain why your answer is the best choice. Make sure you underline/highlight/ and make notes on the question (this should be a copy of slide one so you can edit/annotate on it).
Step One: Everyone log on to Google Classroom and open this presentation. Step Two: Select ONE person to create a Google Presentation and share it with the rest of the group. Step Three: Follow the presentation instructions that outline what needs to go on each slide. Step Four: Work diligently for the next 25-35 minutes to complete your slide. Step Five: The person who created the slide, will submit it to Google Classroom ( I will come help if necessary).
What should go in the presentation? You must have: The question and answer choices (1 slide) The paragraph your question is referencing (1 slide) A step-by-step process for correctly analyzing and answering the question. Show us which words in the question to highlight. Does something need to be defined? At what point must we go back and revisit the text? What is the correct answer and why?
For example: not producing any significant or desired effect . eventually or on reflection. Throughout your slides, point out to me what strategies will help us be successful when answering these questions. Show us what to highlight and define. Explain when to go back and re-read. Walk us through the process of thinking in the way you need to think to successfully revise. in a similar way. as a consequence in a way that is exact and clear; precisely.
Question and answer choices Paragraph your question is referencing. Slide One Question and answer choices Slide Two Paragraph your question is referencing. Slide Three Slide one with your annotations and instructions on how to answer the questions Slide Four Slide one with your annotations and instructions on how to answer the questions Slide Six Slide one with your annotations and instructions on how you figured out the correct answer Slide Five Slide one with your annotations and instructions on how to answer the questions
You will be using the ‘Body Language’ essay on page 4 in your booklet. Here are the correct answers to the questions: A H C F D G